Judas Iscariot

Call To Prayer

Title: Judas Iscariot

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 21/06/2022


. . . none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled. JOHN 17:12


If there is one thing in the Scriptures that proves more conclusively than anything else the absolute necessity of the rebirth, it is the case of Judas Iscariot. What differentiates the Christian from the non- Christian is not that the Christian lives a better life than he did before, nor that he knows more of the Scriptures and all these other good things. Judas knew all that, and he probably lived a good outward moral life during the three years he was among the disciples.

What makes a man a Christian is that he is born again; he has received the divine nature; he has indeed become indwelt by the Spirit of the living God. It is this that gives understanding and everything that Judas did not have. It was because Judas was never renewed and given the new life that he remained โ€œthe son of perdition.โ€

And here I want to utter a solemn, terrible word. The end of the non-Christian, even though he may be highly religious, is perdition, which means perishing. Though Judas was in the company of the apostles all along, he really belonged to the world, and the fate of the world is to perish. Whatever its appearance may be, its end is destruction, with no hope whatsoever; because it has not truly believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God, it perishes.

This is an unpleasant subject, and yet we have to face it, because in the very center of this most wonderful prayer our Lord had to mention it as a solemn warning. He was not praying for Judas, He was praying for those who were Godโ€™s people, those who belong to God.

My dear friends, are we certain that we belong to God? Do not rely upon anything but the certain knowledge that you have received life from God.


A thought to ponder

The end of the non-Christian, even though he may be highly religious, is perdition, which means perishing.


Prayer point

Let us pray for the grace to live like Jesus did and to win souls like He did.


God bless us all


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