Just and Merciful

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Just and Mercifulย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 11.11.2023ย 


And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, โ€œTheย Lord, theย Lord, the compassionateย and gracious God, slow to anger,ย abounding in loveย and faithfulness,ย 7ย maintaining love to thousands,ย and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.ย Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished;ย he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.โ€ Exodus 34:6-7ย 


When we look at the stories of the Old Testament and compare it to those of the New Testament it may look like the God of the Old Testament is not the same as the God of the New Testament. Reading through the Old Testament we see the judgments passed by God like the Flood (Genesis 6:9-9:17)ย and when the Lord sent poisonous snakes to bite the Israelites in the Wilderness (Numbers 21: 6-9). But in the New Testament we see Jesus not stoning a woman who is caught in Adultery. So, one may conclude that God has changed and become more merciful. ย 

However, scriptures tell us that God does not change (James 1:17, Malachi 3:6). He is the same yesterday, today and forever more (Hebrews 13:8). God has always been merciful even in those Old Testament times, but this is just one attribute of God and another one is: He is just. God wants to show mercy, but mercy needs to be asked for for Him to remain just and merciful. That is what intercessors do; when they pray for mercy for people. God is always eager to find an intercessor (Ezekiel 22: 30). Moses always interceded for Israel (Exodus 32:11-14). Jesus Christ returned to heaven body and soul and is seated at the right hand of God begging for mercy on our behalf (Romans 8:34). We too are called to join in that intercessory ministry by praying for one another since we are in Christ and are to be like Christ.ย 

Despite the grace that has been publicly revealed in the New Testament through sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we still ought to be careful. Saint Paul says โ€œ… shall we continue in sin so that grace may aboundโ€ (Romans 6:1). After weย become born again when weย fall into sin if we donโ€™t repent and ask forgiveness the sin is not forgiven (1 John 1:8-9). Thatโ€™s why the Lord taught us to pray โ€œ… forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against usโ€ (Mathew 6:12). Letโ€™s not forget how Annanias and Sapphira met their sudden demise after conspiring to test the Spirit of the Lord (Acts 5:1-11). ย 

God is not just merciful, He is also Just, and He is not onlyย Just, but also merciful. He punishes sin. He also forgives sin. ย 


Prayer Pointย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word. Letโ€™s pray to have a sound fear of God; being aware of His judgments but also of His accessible mercy. ย 


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