Key elements of prayer

Call To Prayer

Title: Key elements of prayer

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 11/06/2022


Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. – Mark 11:24


In today’s message, we will look at some key elements or ingredients for prayer. I know we have heard so much about prayer and even today’s message might not be new, however refreshing our minds on the important things in life is never a waste of time. In today’s verse, Jesus Christ laid down some very important things we need to know about prayer. So let’s launch deep and learn more from the verse.

First, Jesus said, “whatever you ask in prayer”. This means that before anything can be received on earth, prayer must go up. If prayer does not go up, nothing can happen. Also, once prayer goes up, nothing is impossible. Whatever means whatever! Your whatever is how far your faith can go. Jesus did not say something or some things, all things can be received when asked through prayer. Nothing is impossible to the one who believes wholeheartedly in God. Prayer is the key that unlocks all the mysterious doors in life.

Secondly, we are told that whatever we ask for in prayer, we should believe we have received it. This is an instant receipt, an instant response. One will therefore ask, does that mean if I ask for a baby from God today, I have received the baby today? The answer is YES. How come I do not have the baby in my hands then? The answer to that question is the third and final ingredient in the verse which we will explore later. Now a baby may seem so far since we all know the natural process of reproduction has to occur. What about petitions such as healing, prosperity, financial breakthrough etc? The answer is still YES. The moment you ask for these things from God in faith, you have received them if only you believe.

Now, the third and final ingredient is the thing becoming yours, having or experiencing it physically. Now when you study the verse carefully, it says “you have” and “it will be”. The former relates to the present and the latter is futuristic. The movement from the present to the future is the process we call “faith-based waiting”, not just waiting. A classic example is the angel’s response to Daniel in Daniel 10:12. The answer was released the day Daniel started praying, but the physical receipt of the answer occurred 21 days later. Hannah prayed to have a son, and Samuel was given to her the day she prayed but Samuel was born after nine months (1st Samuel 1). Thus, without the faith-based waiting period, the answer cannot manifest physically, and that period is where most Christians give up. We just cannot wait!

Also, it is important to note that receiving at the time of prayer is spiritual and the thing being yours is physical, and undoubtedly Satan will put up a contest against the release. Beloved in the Lord, let us learn to wait patiently on the Lord for the answers to be ours. Let us wait in faith, thanking God through the process for the things he has given us even if they have not yet manifested physically. God respects processes. He could have created the world in a second but He used six days. Let us also learn to respect the process. God bless you!


Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for an enlightenment to pray the right way and grace to understand the process of waiting.


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