Kingdom Ambassadors

Call To Prayer

Title: Kingdom Ambassadors

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 08.08.2024


And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.( Genesis 1:31 KJV)


Growing up as a young boy, the thought of heaven and hell that we were taught in children church used to bother me a lot since there will be no end after this world is over. I will then ask myself whether I will make heaven and if I donโ€™t, how will I endure the constant fire burning with high intensity in hell. This fear of not wanting to go to hell shaped my character as a young boy even though I had not given my life to Christ at the time. After I gave my life to Christ and began to study the scriptures myself, I discovered that God does not desire that any man should perish and has gone to extreme lengths so we can have eternal life (John 3:16).

Everything that God created is for a purpose and the enemy knows this. That was why he double crossed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and prevented them from manifesting the kingdom of heaven on earth as ambassadors which was Godโ€™s original purpose for man. Man was therefore short-changed and could no longer live up to the โ€œgoodโ€ standard that his maker saw from the beginning after he was created (Gen. 1:31). This brought about the remedial measures of introducing the laws, statutes, ordinances and the prophets but was not adequate until Christ came.

When we receive the life of Christ, we become good again in the sight of God because the old man of sin and corruption is dead(1 Cor. 5:17). We now have the divine life and the divine ability to fulfil the purpose of manifesting the kingdom of heaven on earth that was intended for Adam from the beginning. No creature can fulfil purpose outside of God who created the whole universe and that is why the enemy is working tirelessly to corrupt and derail as many as possible so they can focus on worldly things and miss the mark (Rev. 12:12).

On the last day, will the master look at you and say โ€œthou good and faithful servant…โ€ because you have fulfilled purpose by serving the interest of His kingdom or will He say something else?
Examine yourself today and make amends where necessary so you can reign with Him in heaven and erase the option of spending eternity in hell.


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Let us ask the Lord for grace to remain steadfast in Christ and be worthy kingdom ambassadors.


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