Know the signs


Date: 11/09/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title โ€“ย Know the signs


James 1:12 – Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him (ESV)


In life, nobody prays and wishes for misfortunes and attacks. Everybody wishes for a smooth ride in and a journey devoid of struggles, if possible. As children of God, this kind of life is certainly our inheritance. That notwithstanding, we should know that we declared a perpetual war the day we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We are already victorious in this battle against the enemy. Nevertheless, we should not lose sight of the occurrences that indicate that an attack has been launched by the enemy.

One of the main signs of impending victory is the intensity of the battle. As Christians, this is something we should take note of. Anytime the attacks on your life become fierce, it is an indication that you are journeying towards the next phase of your blessings. In those moments, the key things needed are intensive prayers and fasting. As every good soldier will tell you, “when the attacks increase, you have to increase your fortification as well and intensify your weapons to fight back”.

In 1st Samuel 16, God commanded the prophet, Samuel, to go and anoint David as the new king as He had rejected Saul as king of His people. David was living a normal life as a shepherd. However, the moment David was anointed king of Israel, God recognised him as king in the spiritual realm. Now, to prevent that from manifesting physically, the enemy began to launch attacks against Davidโ€™s life. Saulโ€™s endless pursuit of David and the attacks on his life was orchestrated by the devil to prevent David from sitting on the throne.ย  ย 

Similarly, the moment Jesus was born, King Herod ordered the killing of all male children born at that time (Matthew 2). Thus, when Jesus was born, the redemption for humanity had already started in the spiritual realm. Satan, though, did not have perfect knowledge of what Jesus had come to accomplish, they knew there was something special about Him. Moreover, when Jesus was declared the Son of God (Matthew 3:17), the enemy began to pursue Him and tempted Him in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-10). Also, throughout Jesusโ€™ life and ministry, the enemy did not stop pursuing Him.

From these accounts, we realize that when something good happens in the spiritual realm for a child of God, that is not the end. The adversary begins to launch attacks physically to stop its manifestation. In this period, the child of God must intensify his/her prayers. Things do not happen on a silver platter. As a result, when you see the signs, know that something wonderful is on the way. However, it can only arrive through persistent and fervent prayers and fasting, not forgetting obedience to the word of God and the voice of the Holy Spirit. God bless us all!


Let us thank God for His word today and the answers to our prayers. Let us also pray for understanding and the grace to faithfully endure the trials that precede our triumph.

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