Let Reuben live

Call To Prayer

Title: Let Reuben Live

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 04.01.2024


Let Reuben live, and not die; and let not his men be few. (Deuteronomy 33:6 KJV)


In the journey of life, human beings will make mistakes and fall into one error or the other as they grow into both physical and spiritual maturity. Some of these can be amended easily while some have potentials to derail or destroy their destinies. Wrong associations have landed people in prisons, paying the price for their ignorance or foolishness.

However, my focus today is on disobedience. We can see that after Adam and his wife were sent out of the garden for their great error, they still nutured Seth (which was born to them after the death of Abel) in the way of the Lord because it was in his days that men began to call upon the name of the Lord (Gen. 4:26). Their prayers to God was with the hope that He will forgive and restore them again and this prayer was eventually answered through Noah.

The prayer of mercy is an antidote to generational errors and mistakes that have been made. Genuine repentance and a cry for mercy has the capacity to rejuvenate a dying destiny (Pro. 28:13). Blind Bathemeusโ€™ life changed the day he heard that Jesus was passing by and cried for mercy (Mark 10:47-48). Mercy is the game changer that turns the cursed to curseless and sets the captives free from their chains. Even salvation is an act of love and mercy.

Many Reuben can live again if they will embrace the cross in its totality and seek the Lord again with a contrite heart and a genuine cry of mercy for restoration. God has the capacity to restore lost glory, lost opportunities, lost virtues, break limitations and to give men who had hitherto fallen from grace another chance to live again.


Prayer point

Let us thank God for today and let us cry for the mercy of God in every area that we might have fallen short of His expectations for our lives.


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