Limitless Love

Call to Prayer

Title:ย Limitless Love

By:ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 30.08.2022

โ€œA new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.ย 

(John 13:34 NIV)

Someone exclaimed, โ€œHow can someone read the whole Bible and miss the point?โ€. His question resounded the ponderings in my heart for as long as I can remember. The disparity between the lives of many believers and the standard of love we received from Him is truly worrisome. This needs to change, for He is coming soon for a Church without spot or wrinkle.

Our knowledge of God is a measure of our ability to love, โ€œfor Whoever does not love does notย knowย God, because God is love (ย 1 John 4:8)โ€.ย Love is the complete description of God, and it is the life we have received. For scriptures said:ย โ€œNow this isย eternal life:ย that theyย know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent (John 17:3 NIV)โ€,ย and all there is to know about God is Love. With this said, failing in love is a sign that we do not have much of Him in us; we have not worked out the eternal life we have received of Him.

While He was on earth, He commanded us to be perfect (in love), as the heavenly father is ( Mat. 5:48). In other words, He was requesting that our love should not have limit. In describing this, He mentioned that if our love is limited to only certain types of people meeting certain criteria, we are not loving more than the unbelievers (Mat. 5:47). The first response of many to this will be โ€œI do loveโ€, and many times I have found out that those who are quick to say so do not love as much as they think they do. A quick question for a check: how quick are you to forgive? Do you believe easily? How patient are you with those who are weak? Whatโ€™s your response when someone is celebrated instead of you? How do you respond to an offence? The Glory of love is seen when the person being loved is not deserving of it.

A good expression of limitless love is seen in the healing of the leprous man recorded in Matt. 8:1-3. In the Israeli culture, leprous people were separated from the rest of the community to avoid the spread of the disease, for leprosy is contangoes. In the healing of the leprous man, Jesus could have healed him in any other way, but He decided to touch him, one with a condition that should not be touched, and In so doing, he was healed. That healing revealed how far-reaching His love is (it’s beyond societal boundaries) and the power of love (it led to his healing). Can He use your hands to touch a leprous person for their healing? There is no fear in love.

The blessing that follows those whose love is limitless is that they will be filled with the fullness of God (Eph. 3:19). By that, they can manifest the full weight of His glory: in power, character and in prosperity.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to increase our capacity to love.

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