Living in Faith

Call To Prayer

Title: Living in Faith

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 01.02.2024


And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. (Numbers 13:30 KJV)


The Christian life is not designed to be lived from the realm of the physical. That was why God Himself created the things with His words by calling everything into being in Genesis 1 before actually making them in Genesis 2.

There is an expectation that looks far fetched physically but the key to seeing it come into time and reality is to keep speaking it into the present time. You have to continue saying it and back it up with necessary action. In all of this, believe that whatsoever you are saying will surely come to pass (Mark 11:23).

Everything has an ear and they hear you when you speak. That means you must not keep quiet when you are to be giving commands. Are you sick in your body or are you looking up to God for one thing or another, look for a scripture that addresses that situation from the word of God and continue to declare boldly your authority and rights in Christ. If the sea and the fig tree could hear Jesus when he spoke, then your situations will hear you (Mark 4:39).

However, the subtilty of the devil comes to play many times by suggesting unguarded utterances and encouraging men to say things contrary to the truth of God for their lives because of their current circumstances and the enemy takes that as an evidence to the court of heaven as basis for which the believer has to forfeit that which the Lord has packaged for them.

So many have aborted by themselves Godโ€™s blessings upon them by giving the enemy adequate legal grounds why they are not fit for such. Anointings, healings, breakthroughs, deliverances, fruit of the womb and other numerous blessings have been lost this way with little hope for restoration as long as they cannot guard their tongues against utterances that renders the power of God impotent.


Prayer point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let us pray for a fresh baptism of the Spirit of faith for every believer around the world.


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