Make yourself saviour of men

โ€œAnd saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD’Sโ€

– Obadiah 1:21 KJV

Mount Zion represents the Kingdom of God and therefore, those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and personal savior have come to Mount Zion (Hebrews 12:18-24). Who is therefore Esau? In the word of God, Esau is mostly used to represent the ungodly, immoral, or simply put, unbelievers (Hebrews 12:16-17). We can therefore deduce from the above scripture that it is through Christians (those in Mount Zion) that unbelievers are supposed to be saved.

God has given us the opportunity to serve Him and be saviours of men. If we respond, we are honoring God and itโ€™s a great opportunity. We are mostly deceived to think that the work is done. It is not done! About hundreds or thousands of people will be saved if you and I make ourselves saviours of men. We have left the Job to Pastors, Evangelists, Leaders, and some serious Christians. It is our Job! Nowadays you donโ€™t see the difference between a Christian and an unbeliever. Our Lord Jesus showed us in Matthew 6:32 that difference between you and an unbeliever depends on what you seek. Christians are seeking earthly pleasures just like unbelievers while souls are dying and perishing in Hell.

William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army was someone who had great passion for souls, and this was as a result of a vision he had. In his vision, he was in heaven but because he didnโ€™t do anything for God, he found himself at the outer part. He was there confronted by some Christians he knew, who had died. They were expecting him to preach the Gospel to their sons and daughters, but he had not done that. Those saints and our Lord Jesus were disappointed in him.

These were the last words of our Lord Jesus to him: then the King turned His eyes on me again. How I wished that some mountain would fall upon me and hide me forever from His presence. But I wished in vain. Some invisible and irresistible force compelled me to look up, and His eyes met mine once more. I felt, rather than heard Him say to me, in words that engraved themselves in living fire upon my excited brain: “Go back to earth. You shall have another opportunity; and if you prove yourself worthy of My name, and show to the world that you possess My Spirit, by doing My work, and by making yourself a saviour of men, you shall return hither, and I will give you a place in My conquering train, and a share in My everlasting glory.”

Brethren, we will be confronted in heaven with the people we neglected: friends, colleagues, family, neighbors, roommates etc. Lets therefore make ourselves saviors of men by praying for salvation souls and also use every opportunity we get to preach the Gospel. Great rewards are awaiting us in Heaven!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. May He grant all believers the Grace to be saviors of men and also open doors and opportunities for us to preach the Gospel.


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