Manifestation of the Sons of God

Call To Prayer

Title: Manifestation of the Sons of God

Date: 18.01.2023

By: Daniel Peter


Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.ย Matt. 27:54 KJV


We have come to an important time in human history when we will be seeing the fulfillment of scriptural prophecies and predictions. One such prediction was highlighted by Apostle Paul in Romans 8:19 when he said “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God”. These sons are the ones that will set free the creature from bondage (Rom. 9:22 – 29)”.

The word manifestation used in Romans 8:19 is from the Greek word “Apokalupsis”, which suggests somethingย previously hidden being revealed. For example, the identity of Jesus Christ as the son of God was revealed to Peter, and then to the other disciples when Jesus affirmed Peter’s knowledge of Him (Matt. 14:33). Despite this reality, Jesus was not accepted as the son of God by the Jews or the Gentile rulers in His day. This truth was kept hidden from them.

Like Jesus, our identity as the sons of God has been kept hidden from the people of the world. However, it is written that “For nothing is hidden which will not become manifest.. (Luke 8:17 BSB)”. Therefore, the very fact that we have been hidden from the world, suggests that God intends to reveal us to them. This revelation of our identity as sons of God is what is referred to as the manifestation of the sons of God. Now, the question is, how will this be fulfilled by God?

The life of Jesus reveals the blueprint for how we will be revealed as sons of God to the creature. At the cross of Calvary, which was the apex of Jesus’ expression of His yieldedness in obeying the father, the Centurion who supervised His crucifixion affirmed His identity when he said “Truly, this was the son of God (Matt. 27:54)”, after observing the miraculous signs that accompanied His death. In the same way, we will be revealed as sons of God to the creature when we yield ourselves to obey God up to the point of death.

A generation of people who will not love their lives unto death has been born (Rev. 12:5, 11). And their manifestation as sons of God will lead to the deliverance of the creature.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to help us to submit to His will, so we can manifest to the world as His sons.


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