Manifesting His Glory Part 2

Call To Prayer

Title: Manifesting His Glory Part 2.

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 27.06.2023


I have given to them the glory and honor which You have given Me, that they may be one, just as We are one;ย  John 17:22 AMPย 


In my last contribution to the Call to Prayer, I wrote about the relationship between manifesting His glory and seeing Jesus. I affirmed that the more we see Jesus, the more we are transformed into His image, which is the glory of God (2Cor. 3:18). Today, let’s explore other provisions in God to attain this goal. Though I received these keys via special encounters with Him, they have their foundation in the word.

In Jesus’ prayer to the Father shortly before His journey to the cross, He mentioned that the glory that the Father has given to Him, He has passed down to us (John 17:22). Therefore, in every Christian is the glory of God. Despite God has giving His glory to us, it is not automatically manifested until it is worked out (Phil. 2:12). To work it out, or to make it manifests, there are certain things we must do. One of the things we need to do to see His glory made manifest in our lives was given to me when I prayed to God to make me more like Christ. His response to me was that I should spend more time praying in tongues. Praying in tongues for a long time helps you to be more like Christ, who is the glory of God. This is so because it builds you up (Jude 1:20).

Another thing we need to do to manifest His glory is sacrifice. This as a key to manifest His glory was given to me by the Angel of the Lord in an encounter: After I received a Prophetic word instructing me to give the little I have for God to make His glory manifest, the Angel of the Lord appeared to me in a dream using the image of my father in the Lord. In that encounter, he told me that I should look at the kingdom of darkness, and see how they sacrifice to have their desires met and it is working for them. He continued by saying “though sacrifice is practiced by the kingdom of darkness, it’s origin is from the kingdom of God”. Then I understood the power of sacrifice, especially in the area of giving. Solomon was ushered into a dimension of exceedingly great wisdom after he gave sacrificially (1 King 3:4-28).

The last key I am going to speak on today is obedience. The glory of God is revealed in three distinct areas: in Character, in Power, and in Prosperity. There are certain instructions in scripture that when we obey them, we will see the glory of God in these areas made manifest in our lives. Apart from the written instructions, yielding to the voice of the Holy Spirit brings about the manifestation of His glory. Philip was translocated after he obeyed the voice of God to preach to the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26โ€“40).

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us to do those things that would make His glory to be manifest in our lives.ย 


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