Manna and Quails In the Desert


Title: Manna and Quails in the Desert

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 07.06.2022


No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.ย  1 Corinthians 10:13


When you are in a boxing match one of your greatest weapons is your morals or your confidence. Sometimes the opponent tries to intimidate you with his words. Often times using lies. Meanwhile your coach is there to support you. Telling you can. Do you dwell on what your coach says or what your opponent says ?. There is power in itself in believing that you can while believing you can’t paralysis you and prevents you from utilizing the strength in you.

As Christians there are times God takes us through a desert season. Which is like leading us into a boxing match. The goal is good, for God is good. God works out every thing for our good (Romans 8:28) . Without a fight there can be no victory or growth. In these seasons we experience lack in one form or the other.ย  Butย  the lord always provides comfort in whatever we go through. Some thing you can cling unto while waiting on Him to deliver you. Our morals have to up for us to deliver our best. As our opening scripture says, God provides a way out which can be some thing to enjoy which varies from spiritual to physical. For example, despite you are experiencing a season of poverty, you still have the hope of eternal life, you are in good health and have not pain and have all your senses in tact something some rich don’t have. Or in spite of the season of poverty your children are doing well in school. etc.

When the Israelite were in the desert God provided manna and quails to sustain them. Manna was said to taste like honey. How good !. They had the hope of going into a land full or milk and honey; the land of Canaan. But even now the lord provided. Look at what the lord has provided now and say lord in spite of this lack or that you have blessed me. I look forward to passing through this trail but even now I am grateful for salvation, for air, food, water, health, family, children etc (what ever you have). Lord if you say I can wait then it means I can wait. You are not a man that you should lie. Your timing is the best.ย  This cheers you up and gives you that strength you need to keep running the race with a cheer. I also think in trails we learn contentment and moderation. When you look back to the time you were happy in lack it makes you even happier else you will surely still minimize the current blessings.


Prayer Point:

Lets pray for peace in any storm the Lord takes us through. That we can have the grace to say thank you and receive His comfort in those times.


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