
Call to Prayer

Title: Meditation

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 17.02.2025


Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. 1 Timothy 4:15 KJV


One of the ways in which our profit in the faith manifests is by meditation. When Joshua was being prepared by God to succeed in life and ministry, God gave him meditation as a means to attain that end (See Joshua 1:8). Meditation is a deep thought over a discovered truth, relevant to our destination.

There are several activities of meditation. the first activity of mediation is “Memorization”, and this involves committing to memory the specific part of scripture or information we intend to meditate on. The importance of memorization is that we can continue to ponder on the verse long after reading the Bible, or the physical means where the text was recorded.

The second activity of meditation is “Visualization”, and this involves using your mind to create a picture of that which you are meditating on. When Jesus Christ gave power to His disciples, he asked them to behold it (see Luke 10:19). Again, we saw how God told Abraham to look (Behold) from the place he was, the North, the South, the West, and the East part of the promised land. He went on to say to him that all that he can see is what He will give to him and his descendants (See Genesis 13:14 -18). We behold by visualisation with our minds, and by this, we access that which we have been given.

The third activity of meditation is “Muttering (or Verbalization)”. This involves saying to yourself that which you believe. Though faith starts by believing in our heart, it becomes effective when we confess it, for that is when God is committed to performing that which we believe. Jesus was called the high priest of our profession (or confession) because He puts into effect those things that we say. Kenneth Copeland shared a story of how he quoted 1 Peter 2:24 to himself over 400 times when he was sick until his healing manifested. He didn’t just believe he was healed, he muttered it to himself, and Jesus Christ put his words into effect (He made His healing manifest).

The last activity of meditation is “Declaration”. Though this is similar to verbalising, but it is saying the word to the enemy or the contradiction. The word of God is the sword of the spirit (Eph. 6:17). So when the enemy rages against you, you declare the word to him and he has no option but to flee.

As we meditate upon the word as described above, our profit in the faith becomes seen.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help each Christian to meditate on the word effectively.

Repost from: 19.02.2024


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