Moment by Moment Intimacy 

Call To Prayer

 Title: Moment by Moment Intimacy 

 By: Daniel Peter

 Date: 21.08.2024


And it was so, that when they that bare the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, he sacrificed oxen and fatlings 2 Sam. 6:13 KJV


 The Holy Spirit is the one that inspired the scriptures (2Tim. 3:16-17), and His intent behind the stories written is that through them, we can understand the mind of God. In the Old Testament, the ark of the covenant was the insignia of God’s presence with the people of Israel. At one time, David attempted to move the ark of the covenant to Zion (2 Sam. 6: 1-11 KJV). However, because he did not do it according to the pattern, there was an incident that led to the death of an individual called Uzzah (2 Sam. 6:6).

 After David went back to research God’s word concerning the Ark of the Covenant, apart from the fact that only Levites were to carry the Ark, he also saw that sacrifices were to be made in an intermittent manner as they carried it. It was said “… that when they that bare the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, he sacrificed oxen and fatlings (2 Sam. 6:13)“. Translating this to the context of the new covenant, what the children of Israel had as the ark of the covenant is now the presence of God with us in our heart. As we move around with His presence with us, we are supposed to stop (take time out) intermittently to worship. This is an act of acknowledging the presence of God with us.

 Many Christians are only used to worshipping God in the mornings or at night before they go to bed, but our worship of Him should be continuous; it should be done momentarily. When we intimate with Him by thanking Him from time to time during our day, His presence with us becomes manifest. This is how we dwell in the secret place (Psalm 91:1). When we live like this, we are always under His protection (kept from every evil). Again, in this practice, we receive grace to manifest His character, power, and prosperity (His glory).

 Personally, I do set alarms at certain times of the day that remind me to intimate with Him, though I am always in communication with Him. You can find what works best for you. 

Prayer Point.

Let’s thank God for His word. Let’s ask for the grace to be intimate with Him moment by moment. 

Repost from: 31.10.2023


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