More of Praise to God than complain

Call To Prayer

Title: More of praise to God than complain

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 05.08.2022


“I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me” (Psalm 13:6).


Complains are an inconsiderable measure of dissatisfaction or discontentment that eventually harms its victims. Giving praise regardless of the condition one is in, creates room for happiness and relief in the inner mind. There were good and bad examples of people in the scriptures who chose to complain and also those who praised God despite their travail. Our Bible passage shows that one of them was David who was surrounded with challenges, yet he still praised God. He remembered God’s past goodness and mercies in his life and saw a reason to praise God. He sang songs of praise even when he had not received answers to his prayers. What a good example for all Christians to follow!

The world is full of troubles and challenges. Do you know who is causing trouble in this world? His name is Satan, the greatest enemy of boys and girls. He is fighting against everyone, particularly Christians. His reason for fighting is that he has missed heaven and he does not want anybody to get there. He wants believers to stop loving Jesus.

It is often difficult for most people to find a reason to praise God in difficult situations. Rather, they complain and blame God for abandoning them. Think about your salvation and other numerous blessings of God in your life and sing praises unto Him. Do not complain, do not murmur, but praise God all the time.


Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to grant us the attitude of praise at all times and in every situation to glorify Him.


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