Moving with purpose

Call To Prayer

Title: Moving with purpose

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 21.07.2022


Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the Lord said unto him, Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed. (Joshua 13:1 KJV)


When it was time for Moses the man of God to die, God instructed him to charge Joshua before the people to be strong and of a good courage(Deut. 31:7). God Himself will later emphasise this to Joshua after Mosesโ€™s death many times. One of the reasons was because the task ahead was very great and he needed strength, courage and speed in accomplishing this task.

When God decides to be urgent upon an individual or a people, it is because the work before them is much and highly significant in His agenda. Jesus took his disciples through an internship programme that lasted for three and half years. When he died, some of them wanted to follow Peter to go back to doing their previous fishing business but the Lord knowing the weight of destinies that is at stake had to appear to them in his resurrected body just to reiterate how important their assignment was.

So, when Joshua was old, the Lord came to appraise him on his work done so far and discovered that his allocation of strength was no longer active and the speed of delivery was not according to Godโ€™s calendar for him in carrying out the task. Therefore, because of this limitation, God in his mercies had to introduce a particular wisdom and instructed him to share the land in advance to the people before it is actually conquered physically. This was not the original plan. Many great destinies are dormant because the one God has appointed to bring them out of captivity is weak, slow and lacks the needed courage to take the battle to the gate of the enemy to secure a release. Many people that don’t have business with death have died because their strength failed in the days of adversity.

The assignment God has given to you requires speed, courage and strength(mental, physical and spiritual) to keep up with Godโ€™s calendar. There are some of us that God wants to wrought deliverance in our nations and families through our hands but we have made him handicapped because we donโ€™t have the required strength in us like Joshua. We therefore need to tarry in prayers and put on the whole armour of God, put on strength, be courageous and move with speed so that when the Lord comes back to appraise us, we will not be old and yet having many great assignments to be carried out.


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to furnish us with strength, courage and speed to accomplish our divine purpose.

God bless you!


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