New Year Resolution-Part 4


By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Date: 24.01.2022

Title: New Year Resolution-Part 4


Jesus replied, โ€œI tell you the truth, Peterโ€”this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know me.โ€

ย (Matthew 26:34 NLT)


We are on the topic, โ€œNew Year Resolutionโ€ and how our lives will be turned around if only we decide to make four commitments which God in His word encourages us to make. This is because our own commitments fail us before the year comes to an end. The first commitment was to โ€œForget about our failuresโ€. The second was to โ€œGive up our grudgesโ€. The third was to โ€œRestore Your Relationshipsโ€. The last commitment I would like to share for the year is to, โ€œTURN YOUR BACK FROM YOUR EVIL WAYSโ€.

As newly born Christians, it is expected from us to turn from our past bad behaviors and lifestyles. Back in the American Civil war, when the slaves were given their right of freedom, some of them still decided to stay with their masters and continue do what they were told to do. These people were set free from bondages but didnโ€™t want to move on. Unfortunately, some Christians behave the exact way. They have been forgiven and set free from every bondage, yet they give themselves away to be used by the devil; they havenโ€™t turned away from their evil ways.

Christ died to set us free, the Holy Spirit has given us the power to be free, but just like those former slaves many Christians still choose to obey their old master, who is the devil. ” Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts” (Romans 6:12 NKJV).

I believe this is a very important challenge to set as a goal in order to make this New Year fruitful for you. There is something called โ€œbesetting sinsโ€ which most Pastors usually talk about. As a newborn Christian, there are certain sins you seem to easily let go of, but there are others which seems really difficult to stop, and we end up sometimes knowingly or unknowingly committing them over and over again. Those are โ€œbesetting sinsโ€, and God is issuing the challenge today to turn our backs from them.

Many of us end up choosing to give into our besetting sins and end up living double lives. Maybe that is how you lived your life last year and every single time you committed these sins, you were filled with guilt. Some of us have gotten used to it and do not feel remorseful in anyway. Such Christians wonโ€™t do anything about it and learn to live with it. My question for you today is, has your spiritual life crippled because you have learned to live with a besetting sin? Is there some other sin that you keep giving in to?

Beloved in the Lord, God is telling us in His word to turn our back on our evil ways. To stop giving into them and to stop obeying your old Master, letโ€™s remember that the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus broke the power of sin, and He has given us the power through the Holy Spirit to resist any sin. You are no longer a slave to sin, so stop living like one! You have the victory over it!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all Christians in the world to resist any sin by the power of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you all.


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