Night Is Coming


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 19.11.2023

Title: Night Is Coming


I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. (John 9:4 NKJV)


A couple of days ago, I was watching the funeral rites of a former first lady of Ghana. As I was watching, the husband, the former president who I have not seen for a while appeared on the Screen. He used to be very tall, well-built, and active gentleman and so we used to call him, โ€œThe Gentle Giantโ€. However, when he appeared on the Screen, he was in a Wheelchair because of old age and someone else was carrying him around.

As soon I saw him on the Screen, I remembered the statement that our Lord Jesus Christ made where He said, โ€œI must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can workโ€. The truth is that night is coming for everyone. The Lord Almighty who created the world has apportioned times and seasons for everything in the world. These times and seasons keep on changing and none of them remains there forever. There is a time to be young and a time to grow old. There is also a time to be born and a time to die (Eccl 3).

It is therefore very sad that many young men and women live their whole lives for pleasure. They are sometimes deceived to think that their current state and condition will last forever. The truth is that you will not be this handsome or beautiful forever. Knowing this, we have to therefore always think about where we will spend eternity after death and work towards it (Heb 9:27). Now is the time to give your life to Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Lord and savior (Jn 3:16). Donโ€™t keep on procrastinating because tomorrow might be too late for you.

We have to also know that we will not be physically strong forever. We are men and women of Faith, but we have to understand that we cannot go against the word of God. There is time to be old and physically weak that someone else will lead you to where you do not want to go (Jn 21:18). Now is the time to use your strength to serve the Lord and do His Will. Now is the time to move around and preach the Gospel, minister, and win souls for the Kingdom.

I once heard a story of an old man who was advising young people to take the service of God seriously in their youthful age. He said one of the common problems he faced as an old man approaching young people with the Gospel is that most of them were scared of him due to how his face has aged. To the young men and women, now is the time to use all your beauty to glorify the Lord. The resources that you have now may not be there forever. Now is the time to use them to support and promote the Gospel. Also, now is the time to use all our gifts and talents to help, love, serve and be a blessing to others.

Beloved in the Lord, the word of God makes us understand that there is time for everything under the heaven. There is a time to be born and a time to die. There is also a time to be young and physically strong, and a time to grow old and be physically weak. Therefore, now that we are strong is the time to use all our strength to serve the Lord and be a blessing to others. Night is coming! Now is the time!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to understand the truth that there is time for everything. Letโ€™s also ask Him to help us to use all our strength, gifts, and talents to serve Him and help others.

God bless you all


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