Not a God of Numbers

Call to Prayer

Title: Not a God of Numbers

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 03.09.202

Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, โ€œCome, letโ€™s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.โ€
1 Samuel 14:6 NIV.

All through scriptures, we can find that God is not necessarily a God of numbers. That is, He can decide to use a few to bring about a change, and popular opinion or a belief shared by the multitude doesn’t always reflect the mind or the will of God.

In a recent article by The Guardian, which was a letter addressed to the Anglican Church by someone called Ian Gordon, a call was made to the Church for her to be inclusive; to change its tenants, allowing gay, transgender and other acceptable practices in the world (my inferred meaning from what he wrote). He argued that what the Church currently has are “outdated concepts of an interventionist, vengeful and retributive God”. He went further to fault the idea of the Bible as an irrevocable word of God, and said this is the reason the Church is no longer appealing to the young people, who are now well educated and intelligent. Obviously, the bait he is using to pass his deceptive thoughts is the low attendance in the Anglican Church, especially among the younger generation. My questions are, does few mean wrong? Do we sacrifice truth for numbers?

We live in a time of history when God will allow a strong delusion to enter the world because of the refusal of people to believe the truth (2Thes 2:11), for this reason, we cannot allow ourselves to depend on aesthetics (outward appearance) to make decisions, especially when it comes to matters of faith and morality. The word of God must be our standard, even if we have to stand alone because of the truth, though we are never alone (John 16:32).

The army God is raising in this end time is similar to the Gideon Army. His army wasn’t marked by their number, but a trait/an attribute (Judges 7: 6-5). Gideon made his selection by the voice of God, not the mere look of things. What this means is that we should all seek the understanding of the mind of God, so we can know and recognise his voice. Again, we should not be comfortable just because our opinion is shared by the majority.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to help us to build our lives based on His words and not the opinions of men, even though it may be popular

God bless you all

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