Not a slave to pleasure

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Not a slave to pleasureย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 22/08/2022ย 


And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. Romans 6:18ย 


I recently watched a documentary called โ€œbarely legal pornโ€. It talks about a genre of porn legal in America that is dedicated to mimicking the practice of having sex with the underage. The actors are women who are 18 plus but who look and are made to act like below 18. The documentary tries to expose the evil in this as it promotes practices like pedophile and rape aside from the harmful effects of porn in itself. ย 

In the world, among those who donโ€™t know or fear God, one of the guiding principles is pleasure and self-gratification. They are only regulated by the laws of the country or public norms. They go as far as they can go as long as they can avoid repercussion from the authorities and public norms. But for us in Christ, as our opening verse says we have been set free from sin and are now slaves of righteousness. We donโ€™t decide based on what is pleasurable or acceptable by societyย but on what is righteous before God.ย 

However, it is important for us to recognize this truth: There is anย absolute difference between what is pleasurable and what is righteous. In probability theory we would say the two are mutually independent. The chance of one occurring does not affect the chance of the other occurring. Simply put they are two separate and independent things.ย 

– Something can be pleasurable and yet not righteous. For instance, having sex outside of marriage.ย 

– Something can be pleasurable and still righteous. For instance, having sex in marriage.ย 

– Something can be not pleasurable and yet righteous. For instance, forgiving an offense.ย 

– Something can be not pleasurable and also not righteous. For instance, mostย people will tell you they canโ€™t kill another human and it is not about the fear of any judgement. ย 

The bible says, โ€œAnd you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.โ€ (John 8:32). Sometimes some temptations attack you but you must speak back to it. Say โ€œYes, I know that this thing is pleasurable. It is sweet but it is not righteous so I canโ€™t do itโ€. The bible says in Proverbs 20:17
โ€œBread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.โ€. It doesnโ€™t say the bread is not sweet. It is sweet but the consequence is still not good. Why? Not because of the bread but because it is not yours or not your time. The lord would not continue to keep you hungry forever and in due time you will eat. โ€œThe blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with itโ€. (Proverbs 10:22). Brothers and sisters, we are slaves to righteousness and not sin ( e.g pleasure that is against the will of God). Trust in the lord. โ€œThose who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.โ€(Psalm 126:5). Hallelujah !.ย 


Prayer point: ย 

Let’s us thank God forย providing this word today. May we trust in the lord and obey His statutes and the leading of the spirit of God. ย 


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