Not by Might but by the Spirit

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Not by Might but by the Spiritย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 05/09/2022ย 

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ย Theย Lordย answered Moses, โ€œBring Me 70 men from Israel known to you as elders and officers of the people. Take them to the tent of meeting and have them stand there with you.ย Then I will come down and speak with you there. I will take some of the Spirit who is on you and put the Spirit on them.ย They will help you bear the burden of the people, so that you do not have to bear it by yourself. Number 11: 16-25 ย 


Today, I will like to encourage us in our walk with God and at the same time caution us to remember that it is not by might but by the spirit of the lord. The encouraging part is that there is provision for supernatural strength, wisdom, patience and, you name it, to carry out whatever the lord calls you to do. And the caution part is that we must at all times rebuke the thought that it is by our strength.ย 

The opening verse talks about how God took some of the spirit that was in Moses and shared it among 70 men who were then to assist him in leadership (It is good to read Numbers 11:4-29). What led to this was that the Israelites were complaining bitterly to Moses and one of their most recent complaining spree that led to this event was about their craving to eat meat; talking about how they used to eat meat in Egypt, and cucumber and all what not but now they only ate Manna. As a side note it is ok to ask but the approach is what was wrong here. They did not ask with that reverence and gratitude for what God has done already but as though God was just being wicked by taking them out of Egypt. Now back to this topic. So, this pushed Moses to kind of transfer the aggression to God by complaining to God about the burden of leading this difficult and large people. In response, God did this anointing of 70 leaders to assist Moses. Something very important and which we might easily miss out here is that God did not give a fresh spirit upon each of the 70 leaders but rather transferred a part of that which was already in Moses unto the 70. Wow… think about it! What this tells us is that Moses was well and capable to handle this task by himself if and only if he relied on the spirit God had given him. Moses at this point looked at the task from his flesh and not from the spirit. To put into perspective, imagine David had gone to fight Goliath and suddenly started thinking about his own strength. In this case David would have given up. But we are to always remember that it is the spirit of God that is at work in us. Therefore, we are not to fear nor to boast. ย 

Are you perhaps underestimating what God can do through you? Let us trust in the Lord and rely on His strength to live righteously and carry out that whichย He calls us to do today. ย 


Prayer Point:ย 

Let’s thank God for the word we have received today.ย  Let’s pray for grace and humility.


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