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On this Rock
Call to Prayer
Title: On this Rock
Name: Daniel Peter
Date: 04.04.2023
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:28
When Jesus walked this earth, He took time to speak about the Kingdom of God. He spoke about it both literally and symbolically. His intention was that we will comprehend its truth and live in its reality.
One such encounter where Jesus was trying to help us understand the operations of the Kingdom was when He surnamed Simon “Peter”, after he identified Him as the Christ. The name Peter is from the Greek word Petros, and it means a Piece of Rock. This and its meaning reminds us of the vision of Nebuchadnezzar and the interpretation of Prophet Daniel recorded in that Daniel 2. In the dream, an image of a man made of different metals, representing the different global ruling Kingdoms in history was destroyed by a rock that was cut out without a hand. And this rock stood in its place and grew to become a huge mountain. For the rock to be cut out, it meant it was a piece of rock, which is the meaning of the name Peter.
Every Christian believes that Jesus is the Christ, meaning, we have all become Peter, that cut out rock that stood in the place of the image of a man. Therefore, the statement “… on this rock I will build my church... (Matt. 16:18)”, now has a more governmental meaning, considering that the piece of rock is replacing the governmental powers (Kingdoms) of this world. The word Church as used by Jesus is from the Greek word Ecclesia, which suggests a ruling council made up of people called out from a city to make policies and decisions on behalf ofthe City. Therefore, God’s idea of a Church is that we will be the ruling body over the nations of this world , in the place of the kings and kingdoms ruling before now ( represented by the image of a man in Daniel 2).
We as a body need to realise this truth and come in position to occupy the nations till he comes. When we fulfil this mandate of God, the declaration “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever and ever (Revelation 11:15)” will be fulfilled.
Prayer Point:
Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to cause the knowledge of the Kingdom to spread in all the earth and He should help Christians to rise as rulers over the nations of the world.
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