One man’s obedience

Call To Prayer

Title: One man’s obedience

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 02.06.2022


And the Lord said to Aaron, Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. And he went, and met him in the mount of God, and kissed him. (Exodus 4:27 KJV)


When God spoke to Abraham to leave his country and his kindred and go to a place that he will show him(Gen. 12:1), it was to be the first of series of instructions that will end with God making an everlasting covenant of blessing with him.

Although, God knew the plan he had for him all along to make him a father of many nations and also make him a blessing so much so that the nations of the earth will be blessed in him, the first instruction for him to leave was reliant on the hope that Abraham will obey and will kick-start the process of destiny fulfilment. So, because Abraham obeyed, the benevolent God also continued with Isaac and also with Jacob, Abrahamโ€™s grandson. His covenant with God through his obedience is still affecting the nations of the earth till today.

In our text today, we see Aaron answer and obey the call of God without any resistance , goes straight to meet Moses and the plan of God began in delivering his people from the hand of their taskmaster. The consequence of his obedience is also that he fulfilled destiny and became the priest of the most high God and began what will become the destiny of his descendants to this day.

If Aaron or Abraham had not obeyed, their descendants would have missed out of these destiny arrangement God had. Just because one man disobeyed like king Saul, he ruined it for his generations after him(1Sam. 15:26-28). Our dealings with God has a massive impact in our unborn generations and in the destinies of many people around us even if there is no visible impact today.


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for the word today. Lets ask him to empower us to obey Him so we donโ€™t miss out on His plan for our destiny fulfilment.

God bless you!


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