Operating in Power – Part 2


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 14.01.2024

Title: Operating in Power – Part 2


How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.  (Acts 10:38 NKJV)


In last week’s call to prayer, I began sharing on the topic, “Operating in Power” where we learnt the reasons why the End-time ministry should be operated in power. This is because the devil knowing that his time is near will not leave without putting out a fight. Therefore, many unbelievers will not be drawn easily to our message. It will take a certain power to compel men to hear the End-time message that the Lord has given to us. This power is the Anointing. We have seen the why and let’s now look at the how. I would like to share some helpful ways to receive Anointing.

One of the ways is through direct Encounter with God. Just as God anointed Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit and with power, He can also do same to us (Acts 10:38). There are many great men in the Bible who received the Anointing for their ministry through a direct Encounter with the Lord. We can see this in the lives of Moses whom the Lord appeared to in a form of a burning bush (Ex 3), Gideon who encountered the Angel of the Lord (Jdgs 6), Apostle Paul who encountered the Lord Jesus on his way to Damascus (Acts 9) and many others.

I know many men of God in our time who also had similar Encounters with the Lord. As Believers it is important to build intimacy and a good relationship with the Lord through daily fellowship. Let’s desire and also pray for Encounters with the Lord and in His appointed time, He will reward our faithfulness.

Another way is through impartation from the carriers of the Anointing. This can be seen in the Parable of the ten virgins. When the Oil of the foolish ones got finished along the way, the wise ones told them to go to the sellers of Oil to buy some (Matt 25:1-13). Beloved in the Lord, we have been blessed with great men and women of God who carry enormous amount of Anointing and we have to therefore go to them and get some. Unlike the Oil, Anointing is not bought with money. It is however imparted through honor and service.

It is important to know that since these carriers are humans, they may one day offend us during our service. However, let’s not allow it to push us away from them but let’s rather focus on what they carry. When Elijah was about to be taken to Heaven, he told Elisha not to follow him. Most servants would have been offended by this and leave out of anger, but Elisha didn’t leave. He knew what he was after and so he kept following and at the end, received a double portion of Elijah’s Anointing (2 Kgs 2).

It is very sad that most Believers nowadays are not willing to serve. Everyone is just quick to start and lead his or her own ministry without serving anyone. I believe that the Lord sometimes uses this way of being anointed to build a character of humility in us before giving us the Anointing.

Beloved in the Lord, we are living in the End-times and the End-time ministry should therefore be operated with the Anointing. Some of the ways to receive this Anointing is through direct Encounter with the Lord and through Impartation from carriers of the Anointing. The Anointing can make a lot of difference in our ministry. Let’s go for the Anointing!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask the Lord to anoint all Believers with power for the End-time harvest and ministry. Let’s also ask the Lord to help all Believers to humble ourselves to honor and serve others.

God bless you all


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