Others may, I cannot


Title: Others may, I cannot

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 29.04.2022


And Micaiah said, As the LORD liveth, even what my God saith, that will I speak” (2 Chronicles 18:13).


Friends of Jesus are special children called out of the world in order to serve God acceptably. Therefore, we must recognize this special call and separate from all sinful influences that surround us. Following the footstep of Christ comes with divine rules and pattern that a believer must decisively uphold; denying oneself and the entanglement with the world is what makes one a genuine Christ follower. There some things that we used to condone when we were in the world, nevertheless, we don’t longer do them even if the world paints it appealing and seemingly innocent. As God’s chosen, we are not to join the multitude (the world) in doing what seems justifiable to men at the expense of our relationship with God. Micaiah was a good example of how to stand for the truth when others are given to deceitful lifestyle. This prophet displayed great courage even when he had no one to support him.

The messenger from the king of Israel told him that he should join others to say good things to the king, but he refused because he knew they were telling lies. He was not afraid to speak the truth. He determined that he would look unto God, instead of joining the false prophets. In a world where it is becoming more difficult to stand for righteousness because of pressure from peers, classmates, neighbors and sometimes, family members, the desire of God for every heaven-bound child is the determination that even if your friends are doing wrong, no matter how many they may be, you will not join them to do evil, cheat in examination, steal other children belongings or abuse.

So, the next time other people ask you to join them to sin against God, remember that others may, but you cannot. And God will stand with you and reward you mightily.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God today for His word. Let’s also ask Him to enable us to stand for the truth even when it seems difficult to do so.


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