Overcoming Challenges.


Only rebel not ye against the LORD,ย neither fear ye the people of the land;ย for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not.

(Num 14:9 KJV)

Reading through Numbers chapters 13 and 14, we will see how 12 spies were sent to spy on the Promised Land. Their search proved God true, the land was flowing with milk and honey. However, they saw giants in the midst of it, which symbolically represents challenges. As it was for them, so it is for us now. Any time God gives a promise of the future, He will not reveal the challenges you may have to overcome; they may be mountains to climb and valleys to pass through to get to the destination. How do we overcome in such times?

The first key on how to overcome challenges is the right attitude. In Number 14:24, we see God said of Caleb that he had another spiritย after calling him His servant. God was speaking of him relative to the other ten spies. The spirit God was referring to was the spirit of faith, which developed in them (Caleb and Joshua) the right attitude before the giants. For Caleb and Joshua, they saw the giants as bread, for the others, they saw themselves as grasshoppers (Number 13:33). It was the case because Caleb and Joshua magnified God over the challenge, while the others magnified the challenge over God. Building your faith in seasons of trials is a sure way to overcome. We build our faith by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17).

Another key to overcoming challenges is the fear of God. God never rewards cowardice but courage. Shrinking back before a challenge is fear, which is a punishable sin. In our key scripture of today, we hear Caleb and Joshua say to the other ten spiesย โ€˜rebel not against the Lordโ€™,ย which is proof that they had the fear of God. The fear of God is developed in us when we are conscious of Him. Reading through the whole account, we hear only Caleb and Joshua mentioning God, while the mouths of the others were filled with the challenges they were experiencing. And the statement โ€˜the LORD is with us: fear them notโ€™ย made by Caleb and Joshua is proof that they were conscious of Him. Notice again how the ten spies repented when God made Himself manifest by outward signs (Number 14:10 -12, 39,40). We become conscious of God by simply believing He is with us and relating with him as such.

Furthermore, the third key on how to overcome challenges is knowing why God allowed them. Knowing what God is doing in the dark builds trust and confidence in Him despite the situation may be contrary. Apart from promises being fulfilled, God wants to develop character in us, so he allows challenges in the form of trials to test us (James 1:3). The character developed in the season of trial helps us to last in the place of our promise. It was said of Joseph that until the time that his word came, the word of the LORD tried him (Psalm 105:19). We all know how the story of Joseph ended; from being a slave and a prisoner, he became the prime minister of Egypt. The lesson he learnt during the season of suffering helped him to become a compassionate leader. His compassion was seen when he decided to give the people of the land food and their lands back after they had sold all to him (Gen. 47: 23-25). It was true of Jesus Christ too. For Him becoming fully human (being tempted in every way as we experience) was so He can be a merciful and faithful high priest (Heb. 2:17). Because of this, we freely receive forgiveness anytime we come before Him and acknowledge our faults (Heb. 4:16, 1John 1:9). As it was for Jesus and Joseph so it is for us. Challenges help develop a compassionate and merciful heart in us.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s ask God to give each member of the body of Christ the grace to build their faith so that they can see Him in every situation, and be courageous enough to face any challenge without shrinking back.

God bless you all

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