Overcoming Evil Visitations

Call To Prayer

Title: Overcoming Evil Visitations

Date: 15.06.2023

By: Wale Lasisi


And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. 1 Samuel 16:23 KJV


There is a common phenomenon in spiritual warfare that many would refer to as an attack. These attacks can come whether in the sleep or while awake. These are nothing but demonic visitations which are carried out by agents of darkness. Some of these visitations could be cyclical, periodical or regular. A lot have lost their health, their lives, pregnancies, loved ones, finances, career opportunities, mental health and many other things that are irredeemable. Matt. 13:25 exposes the enemyโ€™s strategy and how he targets men when they are not alert in the spirit.

The first weapon of victory is watching and praying. We contend in prayers to take back territories that had been stolen by the enemy but more importantly in consolidating our victory is to watch. The intention of the enemy is revealed to us in watching because our spirit is tuned to receive from the Holy Ghost (Hab. 2:1-2). Even though heartfelt prayers carry us high to the tower, it is in watching that we see and know the plans that has been hatched over our lives because the Holy Spirit will reveal these secrets so that we are not caught unaware. A lot have prayed and God had answered but because they donโ€™t know the art of watching, they still remained victims.

The second weapon of victory is worship. In our scriptural text, we see how worship and solemn sounds could render the visitor useless. David was brought in as a worshiper to dispel darkness. Conditioning our atmosphere with worship and sounds that are rooted in the Holy Ghost is key to dispelling the power of darkness.

The third weapon is the blood of Jesus (Rev. 12:11). The legal ground through which some of these demonic agents come in and go out can be thwarted by the blood of Jesus. The blood has nullified any previous covenants that these agents might be using to plunder. We now belong to the family of God under the new covenant which is ratified by the blood of the lamb and therefore it becomes illegal for any demonic agent to visit you without the host of heaven keeping them at bay.

It is ignorance on the part of the believer to believe that the evil visitations will stop on their own without putting up a fight(Deut. 2:24) with some of the weapons of the Spirit we have highlighted earlier.


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let us pray for the grace to engage the weapons of the Spirit against the visitors of darkness.


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