Overcoming Physical Challenges 

Call to Prayer

Title: Overcoming Physical Challenges 

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 15.09.2021


And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?

(Exo 4:11 KJV)


Though we live in the same world, we all experience it differently. Due to circumstances beyond our control, some of us may have to endure challenges in our health that may affect the way we live, our performance at work and in school etc. What do you do when you find yourself in such situations? You need not give up in life, for there is hope in God for you.

In scriptures, records exist of how people who had physical challenges became transformed by their encounter with God. For example, Abraham and Sarah were barren, Moses had issues with His speech, Hannan was unable to give birth, and Apostle Paul had an affliction in his flesh etc. Despite what these people had to endure, they attained greatness, they had the fulfilment of God’s promises to them, and their lives weren’t marked by what they endured, but by the God that they trusted. Before you can demonstrate the transforming trust in God as they did, there are certain things you need to know and understand of Him.

One of the things we need to know that will help us overcome any physical challenge is that God is Almighty (Rev. 1:8). All through scripture, we have seen God demonstrates His power to humanity. Even in our day and age, the power of God is still manifest to all by the mighty acts He performs. He does this to help us to trust Him that no matter what our situation may look like, He can change it. If God can raise the dead, how bad is your situation that He cannot change?

Again, despite God is Almighty and can change any situation, He does not need to remove the challenge before He grants you your heart desires or make His glory seen in your life. God had the power to heal Moses of his speech problem, but he did not do so when he encountered Him. He however promised him to be with his mouth (Exo. 4:12). The same was true for Apostle Paul, He sought the Lord three times for the affliction in his flesh to be removed. Instead of healing him, The Lord responded by giving him revelations of the sufficiency of His grace and the perfecting of His strength by weakness (2 Cor. 12:8-12). We see, the greatest miracle may not be the removal of the physical challenge, but you will become the miracle. For faith is not just to move mountains, it is to live (Hab. 2:4).

I will conclude with a story to encourage. During my undergraduates’ studies, just before my final year, I became ill with a medical condition called tinnitus. This affected my brain neurons, meaning, my concentration, remembrance, hearing, speech, and breathing were affected. And as time went by, it became worse. I was told by doctors both in Nigeria and Germany that it cannot be cured but can only be managed. This condition affected my education, as I could not read any book properly apart from the bible. I couldn’t listen for a long time, except I am listening to a Christian message. My speech was affected because I found it hard to remember the right words to use in situations. This meant that I had to do three times the work needed to prepare for an examination than a normal student. I have had to endure being mocked and despised by friends, and I have experienced rejections. I had enough faith to receive my healing, but when I sought the Lord concerning it, His response was “let it fulfil its course”.  Yes, the challenge may still be there, but like Paul, I have seen the empowering work of grace (1 Cor. 15:10) that enabled me to do the needed work to graduate with good grades in both my undergraduate and masters’ studies. My speech may have not been healed, but like Moses, He has enabled me to speak His word notwithstanding what I experience. 

My situation might have not changed but I have, and His strength in me has been made perfect by my weaknesses (2 Cor. 12:8-12). The physical challenge you have in your flesh cannot stop the power of God in you to bring you to the place of fulfilment, only if you believe. NEVER GIVE UP!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to give us the grace to build our faith, so we can trust Him in any situation we may find ourselves. 

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God bless you all


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