Overflowing with Happiness

Call To Prayer

Title: Overflowing with Happiness

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 14.04.2022


” Because of the abundant presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, the disciples were overflowing with happiness.โ€ Acts 13: 51-52


When I read the opening verse recently I asked myself “Donโ€™t I have the holy spirit in me, where is this overflowing happiness?” What about you? Are you experiencing overflowing happiness…? Well as for me I do experience happiness but I am challenged to seek overflowing happiness.ย To become like someone it is good to find out what they did or are doing or know. Letโ€™s explore together some secrets to the overflowing happiness of the disciples in the Word.

When the disciples came back to Jesus excited because they had done some miracles in the name of Jesus, Jesus showed them an even greater and more sustainable reason to be happy, that their names are written in heaven. (Luke 10:20) Is your name not written in heaven? Be happy!

Consider when the Apostles brought food to Jesus and Jesus was probably not in a hurry to eat and so they said to him โ€œMaster eat!”ย and his reply was โ€œI have meat to eat that ye not know of โ€ (John 4:32). While they were still wondering if he had had something to eat already, he said, โ€œMy meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.โ€ย There is a sense of fulfillment and happiness that comes when you are obeying the will of God for you today. Especially when you understand its importance and immerse yourself in it.

When we suffer for Christ’s sake we must be happy because we know that we will also share in His glory. (Romans 8:17, Mathew 16:24-26) That is why the Apostles were joyful in trials. That is why Paul and Silas did mega praise and worship in prison( Acts 16:25). We are to praise God at all times. The moment we praise, chains of sadness are broken and the joy of hope is restored.ย Just as in Psalm 42, there are times we feel our soul cast down by sufferings but we are to keep on hoping in God and use any strength left to praise Him.

Often times children are very happy because they have no worries but the word also teaches us to cast our cares upon God because He is our father and He cares. (1 Peter 5:7)

Suffering is not necessarily equal to sadness. If not you will not find a child in a refugee camp playing and being joyful.
Even in our suffering, we can still find reasons to be happy and focus on those reasons. This is general wisdom but we Christians are in a better place to apply it because we have more than enough reasons to be happy in Christ Jesus. Be happy today, don’t wait because while we live there is perhaps always a reason to be unhappy.ย We are called to be happy, not sad(Mathew 5:12, Psalm 118:24). We serve the only true, good, and living God. Hallelujah!


Prayer Point:ย 

Thank God that your name is written in the Book of Life. Prayer for the grace to fulfill that which you are called to do today and cast all worries into His care so that our happiness may know no bounds.


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