
Call To Prayer

Title: Patience

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 17.10.2024


Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily. (Matthew 1:19 KJV)


In a world driven by social media like the one we live in today, sound judgement and Godly character are gradually being watered down. There is pressure to do something about situations and circumstances that look humiliating. Every time our ego is bruised by a loved one, by life’s situations, or we feel we donโ€™t measure up to societal standards and norms, we develop a hastiness in our soul to cover up so we donโ€™t look weak. Sometimes, these situations provide God with an avenue and opportunity to show His strength through our lives.

Patience as a virtue is important in the life of a believer. Joseph, the husband of Mary had a situation that looked as if his wife-to-be had gotten pregnant for another man and by todayโ€™s common sense, he would have reported her for infidelity and cancelled the engagement between them because the explanation Mary was giving was inconceivable. Rather, he chose to be patient, kept her way secretly and took time to think it out. It was at this time that God stepped in to solve the riddle (Matt. 1:20).

In James 1:3-5, we see that for our faith to work during trials and temptations, the patience it produces in us must be allowed to take its course and not altered along the way so we can be perfect and stronger in the Lord when we come out on the other side. We have a lot to lose if we bow to pressure to do something quickly to save our reputation rather than being patient when God is taking us through a season. Even though he had the power to refuse, our saviour himself was patient to endure the cross with the humiliation and shameful death so he could atone for our sins and redeem us back to God.


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Let us pray for grace to be patient in trying times.



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