Peace and Holiness

Call to Prayer

Title: Peace and Holiness

By: Simon Nuhu Maina

Date: 02.05.2023


Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:ย Hebrews 12:14


Peace and holiness are core attributes of God that cannot be separated. God Almighty is peaceful in all that He does, He is at peace in His mode of operation, in His affairs with people. The holiness of God is glorious that nothing on earth can be used to describe its purity, it is radiant and shiny that no eyes can describe its glamor. As He is peaceful and holy, likewise His sons and daughters. God does not just advise or encourage us to be peaceful and holy but commands us to be. As His children, we ought to possess the true image of our dear Father in heaven.

While on the mount, Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the sons of God (Matthew 5:9). By default, a true child of God is identified by the nature of peace in Him. Notwithstanding, it is significant we understand the difference between the peace of God’s kingdom and that of the world. The peace of God is not necessarily about calmness or the absence of struggles or challenges but it is about doing the will and executing the mind of God obediently without complaints or excuses. Being peaceful from a scriptural perspective is living in harmony with our surroundings like people and neighbors. God charged us to be peaceful and mandatorily live at peace with everybody that comes our way, but first, in order to fulfill that, we must be at peace with and in God. We can not give the peace required by God to people if we are not peaceful with God.

Although God commands us to be peaceful with all men, there are exceptions to that. For instance, if by any means the people demand us to forsake or involve in some sinful activity just to please them, we need to draw boundaries because we rather obey God than obey men for the sake of peaceful co-existence. We should not compromise our righteousness by negotiating on the table of sin, that is why peace and holiness are inseparable. We can not take peace and leave holiness behind, likewise holiness and leave peace. In fact, holiness itself is peace.

Dearly beloved, let’s heed God’s instructions by practicing peace in our society. The Bible makes it clear that without peace and holiness, no man shall see the Lord.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank for His counsel today let’s pray that He enables us to uphold peace and holiness all the days of our life here on earth.


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