Peculiar People

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works

– Titus 2:13-14 KJV

Peculiar means, โ€œmarkedly different from the usual, unique, special, odd, strange, rare.โ€ When we come to Christ, we receive the power over sin and the Holy Spirit also come to live in our Spirit and who helps us to live a life that is pleasing unto God. However, we have to give Him the permission or personally allow ourselves for the Holy Spirit to work in us by being obedient to him because He is a gentleman. As Christians, we are expected to live in earnest expectation of the second coming of our Lord Jesus. As Children of God, He expects us to be like Him. Because of that, there is a way of life that He expects from us as we await the second coming of our Lord Jesus.

This way of life is different from that of the world because we are in the world but not of the world. As we decide to obey God and follow His ways, we should not know that we will look different in the sight of the world and as a result, be persecuted for some of our actions. Why are you not dressed like us? Why are you not drinking or partying with us? Why are you not listening and dancing to that worldly music? Why donโ€™t you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? These are some of the questions we should expect as we decide to obey the Lord. Beloved, we have been saved and called to be peculiar! Let me share some few principles of the peculiar life with you.

As Christians we become peculiar by the motive of our lives. What is the motive of your life? What are you seeking? The world is seeking money, fame, and pleasure. However, the main motive of a Christian should be to seek God (His Kingdom and Righteousness). Letโ€™s make it our habit to be regular in Church and do every work we have been assigned to diligently. I am an Engineer, Nurse, Doctor, Rich, Businessman etc. but I seek God. That’s the difference. Also, we become peculiar by physical separation from unbelievers. Because bad Company ruins good morals, we are encouraged to have Christians as friends. We can have unbeliever acquaintances but not friends. Show me your friend and I will show you your character! Show me your friend and I will show you your future!

Brethren, to be a Christian is to be separate. It is not a small thing to be a Christian. Everything about you must be different; the songs you listen to, the way you talk, what you watch, whom you associate with etc. You will be odd but accept it! Itโ€™s very sad for Christians not to accept to be different. We have to be determined to live a pure and Holy lifestyle. Letโ€™s be always led by the Spirit and not the flesh, and letโ€™s crucify the flesh and put it under subjection.

Beloved in the Lord, the persecutions we will suffer now cannot be compared to the Blessings we receive for being peculiar. Decide to be peculiar today!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for the answers to the prayers we have already received. Letโ€™s pray against the Spirit of disobedience. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to grant us the Grace and strength to be peculiar people.


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