Possessing your land

Call To Prayer

Title: Possessing your land

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 23.05.2024


Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the Lord said unto him, Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed. (Joshua 13:1 KJV)


When Moses died, God appointed Joshua to be the leader of the people to bring them into their inheritance and charged him to be strong and very courageous (Joshua 1:6) but his appraisal came in chapter 13:1 where the Lord assessed him and he did not measure up because there was still very much land to be possessed.

This land talks about territories and events both now and in the future. There are lands to be possessed in 2025, in 2030 which the enemy might be interested in or has plans for. The life and times of our children are lands that have to be possessed for God. Destiny decisions that we make now or in the future are all lands that needs to be possessed.

We take possession of our future territories in prayer and that was one of the reasons why in Luke 18:1, we were reminded that men ought always to pray. There are business decisions that have been designed to bankrupt or get us in trouble, journeys that we have scheduled to embark upon but at the end of it are losses and there might be souls waiting to be led to the master. All of these lands can only be possessed in prayers before it the evil day.

Every home will enjoy peace and serenity when the lands around it are possessed by the man or woman. Their children will not end up as gang members or drug addicts. Every evangelism endeavour will yield if the land is first possessed in prayers before the preaching of the gospel.

We must therefore continue to strive to posses as many territories as possible so that when we are old and the Lord comes to appraise us, we will not fall short of His expectation for our lives.


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for the word today. Letโ€™s pray for strength and grace to conquer territories associated with our calling and destiny.


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