Power vs Wisdom


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 21.01.2024

Title: Power vs Wisdom


And Samuel said, โ€œHow can I go? If Saul hears it, he will kill me.โ€ But the Lord said, โ€œTake a heifer with you, and say, โ€˜I have come to sacrifice to the Lord.โ€™ ย 1 Samuel 16:2 NKJV


There was a time that Saul whom the Lord appointed King of Israel did evil in the sight of God. The Lord therefore rejected him and decided to replace him with David. When Prophet Samuel was instructed by God to anoint David as King, he was afraid that Saul who was King at that time would kill him, Samuel, if he knew. The Lord then asked Samuel to tell Saul he was in the city to offer sacrifice and not disclose the real reason for his visit. Why did God, who is Almighty and All-Powerful decided to use wisdom to solve this problem instead of power?

For some time now, we have been talking about the need to operate in power in these End-times and how we can achieve it. I know that the Lord is about to anoint us with enormous amount of power for the End-time ministry. It is therefore very important for us to know and understand when we must use power and when we shouldnโ€™t. This is because it seems to me that God did not intend that we solve every problem we have with spiritual power.

There are many problems in life that can be solved by knowledge and wisdom. As we are seeking the Anointing, letโ€™s also grow in knowledge and seek wisdom. This is because it is knowledge and wisdom that can help to keep us faithful to the Lord to the very end (Matt 24:12). Donโ€™t seek only power! This is the mistake that most anointed men and women of God make. They seek only power and after the Lord has used them to perform one or two miracles, they are deceived to think that it is their own ability. They then end up backsliding for their lack of knowledge and wisdom.

As Christians, we have to be sensitive to the voice of the Lord and leadings of the Holy Spirit in order to know what to do in every situation. It will therefore be erroneous to think that prayer is the solution to every single problem. There are some problems that when you even pray to the Lord about it, He will ask you to use wisdom to solve it. Letโ€™s spend time regularly to read, learn, study, and meditate on the word of God (Js 1:21). Letโ€™s also ask the Lord for wisdom, knowing that He gives it freely without finding fault (Js 1:5).

Beloved in the Lord, as we are seeking the Lord to anoint us with the Holy Spirit and with power, letโ€™s also seek wisdom and grow in knowledge. This is because there are many problems which can be solved by wisdom. Letโ€™s therefore grow in knowledge and ask the Lord for wisdom.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask God to show all Believers when to use wisdom and when to use power.


God bless you all


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