Praise God always

Call to Prayer

Title: Praise God always

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 22.04.2022


“Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD” (Psalm 150:6).


The attitude of praise was such an outstanding virtue King David had that endearedย  Him to God and had earned him uninterrupted access to God’s glory. Giving praise to God Almighty at all times is the primary will of God for all humans, for that is the very purpose we were created: to praise and worship Him. The scripture often revealed to us that the activities in heaven are praise and giving glory to God with exceeding joy and happiness in the Holy Ghost. Many times in our life we face unexpressive setbacks, challenges, sufferings that may seem to justify complaints and ungratefulness without counting them as blessings.

If God could open our spiritual eyes and see the so many hidden battles He is fighting on our behalves, we’d understand much better why we must praise Him at all times. Anytime the temptation of ungratefulness knocks our door we should ask our individual selves these solemn questions, Can I number the hairs on my head? Can I pay for the air that I breathe in? Can I number the stars in the sky? Can I control the weather? Can I give myself life?ย  Definitely, your answer to these questions is a capital NO! If this is so, then you have no reason not to praise God. God, in His wisdom, has made provision for these things to support our existence here on earth.

Praise should be a powerful response of the heart expressing joy, gratitude and the desire for communion with our Lord. In addition to praising God with our songs and musical instruments, we can praise God with a life of love and joy, with spiritual hunger for His kingdom and His righteousness. In good times, praise God. In bad times, praise God. Praise God always. That is the only way you can show God that you believe and trust Him. When you appreciate God for what He has done yesterday, He will do more for you today. Don’t be ungrateful. Praise the Lord always.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God His word today. Let’s also ask Him to bestow upon us the habit of praise like David and to thank Him consistently regardless of our situation.


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