Praying for Others

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Praying for Othersย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 06.01.2024


16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16ย 


There was once aย womanย called Monica and this womanโ€™s son was wayward meanwhile, she herself was very devoted to the Lord. For many years she prayed for the conversion of her son and persisted in prayer until finally, her son came to the faith. That son then moved on to become one of the fathers of the church in terms of his teachings through his many books. That son is Saint Augustine of Hippo. ย 

The Bible says we ought to pray continually. (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Indeed, prayer can change things. Even leading to the conversion of someone as we can see in the story of Saint Monica and her son Saint Augustine. Jesus also prayed for Peterโ€™s faith not to fail (Luke 22:31-32).ย Peter( or Augustine) wasย free to choose what to do but Jesus (or Monica) praying forย him made it easier for him to do the right thing. Prayer strengthens us to overcome temptation. (Luke 22:39). We have to pray for others even as we pray for ourselves. 1 Timothy 2 tells us to pray for all people including those in authority. ย 

Think about your body. When a disease attacks a part of the body and is not treated. It can spread to the rest of the body. Even if it doesnโ€™t spread, just that part not working is a loss to the overall efficiency of the body. We are the body of Christ. If your spouse, your pastor, your leader, or your friends fall out of faith, surely it also affects you. Instead of pulling you to Christ, they can start to pull you into their fallen state. This is what happened to Eve. She was deceived and went on to drag Adam into it. So, you see,ย we mustย pray not just forย ourselves but endeavor to pray for others as well. If weย are strong in faith and they are weak, not only, can they drag usย down but weย are also failing in being our brotherโ€™s keeper. ย 

This leaves me pondering; why did the Lord teach us to pray in the 1st person plural? He said, โ€œOur father.. Give Us…, lead Us, as We forgiveโ€. Is it perhaps to teach us that this Christian journey although requires personal commitment, is a joint endeavor? Letโ€™s support each other in prayers. As it goes in one of my favourite songs by Mr 2Kay titled Pray for me, โ€œEveryone needs a prayerโ€. Those standing need prayer to keep standing. Those who have fallen need prayers to get up. ย 


Prayer Point: ย 

Letโ€™s pray for the grace to pray for each other and for salvation of souls around the world.ย 

Repost: 26.12.2022ย 


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