Praying for others (Intercession)

Call to Prayer

Title: Praying for others (Intercession)

Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.
Hebrews 7:25 ESV

Some years ago, God granted me a special encounter. After praying and making inquiries, I fell into a trance, where I saw myself standing up before the throne of God with Jesus standing at His right hand side. My experience was similar to that described by Stephen in Acts 7:56, only that I was there in the spirit. Though it was the Father (who was covered all round with light) that had a word for me, Jesus (whose face was covered with light, though I could see it’s features) turned to me and was smiling all through. I also noticed His (Jesus’) lips were moving the whole time I was there.

For many years I wondered, why was Jesus moving His lips? Was He trying to speak to me? Why didn’t I hear him? Not so long ago, during a conversation with a friend, I realized that Jesus was actually praying (1Samuel 1:13). Then I knew that the scriptural verse of today was made alive for me in that encounter.

Till this very moment, Jesus is still interceding for His Church and for souls to be saved; He is able to fulfill His ministry as The Saviour because of His continuous prayers for the lost. The service of intercession is one God holds dearly, and there are several benefits for those who partake in it. Below are some of them;

1. It qualifies you for ministry (Isaiah 59:16).

2. It ensures fulfilment of ministry (Hebrew 7:25).

3. It exempts you from judgement (Ezekiel 9:4).

4. It qualifies you to manifest God’s glory (Exodus 34:29).

5. It opens you to revelation (Jeremiah 33:3)

6. God draws you close to himself (Deuteronomy 5: 31) etc.

Prayer Point:

Let’s take time out today to ask God to raise up intercessors in the body of Christ. That He should help us to see the importance of this kingdom service and be conscious of our reward.

God bless you all.



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