Preach The Word of God And Not Your Word


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 19.03.2023

Title: Preach The Word of God And Not Your Word


โ€œFor My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,โ€ says the Lord. โ€œFor as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV)


There is this Bible Scholar that I follow and watch his videos. He mostly visits various Schools and universities and gives people the opportunity to ask questions pertaining to the Christian Faith and he answers them. In one of his videos, a lady approached him with a certain question, and I really loved how he responded to that question. The lady asked, โ€œwhy is it a sin for a person to love whoever he/she wants, whether male or female?โ€ He addressed the question by saying that what he feels or thinks about this Topic doesnโ€™t matter because he doesnโ€™t set the standards. The almighty God sets His standards and based on His standards, this act is sinful.

As men and women of God who preach the Gospel, we may have personal opinions on certain Topics. However, we have to make sure that these personal opinions are in line with the word of God before we share them with our congregation or other Believers. This is because we are called to preach the word of God and not what we think, feel, or what the majority of people think. I have heard some men of God address various Topics using their personal opinions without using the word of God.

Some are fond of twisting parts of the Scriptures to suit their personal opinions. Others also love to go along with the opinions of the masses. We have to however know that the fact that many people are following a certain path doesnโ€™t make it right. There are many things that may seem right in the eyes of many men, but they are wrong in the sight of God and may lead us to a catastrophic end (Prov 14:12). In Noahโ€™s Time when all the people were living for pleasure and committing various sins, he could have chosen to join the masses. However, he chose to obey the Lord and follow His ways and we all saw what happened at the end (Gen 7).

Also, most of us usually use our personal experiences to preach to other Believers. This brings more clarity to the message because many can easily relate to personal experiences. Sharing our Testimonies with other Believers helps to motivate them and strengthen their Faith in the Lord (Rev 12:10). However, we need to ensure that our experiences are in line with the word of God and that the motive behind our Testimony is for Godโ€™s Glorification and not for our personal Glorification.

A friend once shared an issue he had with his Mentor with me. His Mentor was a Divorcee and so whenever my friend and his Fiancรฉe had an issue and it was brought to her, my friend realized that her judgment was always influenced by her past experience. You may be going through some difficult times at the moment but that shouldnโ€™t influence the word of hope and Faith that the Lord has given you.

Beloved in the Lord, we have been called to preach the word of God and not our personal opinions or what we feel. We have to therefore deliver the true and undiluted word of God to other Believers irrespective of our current situation. And so, even if you feel weak, proclaim strength! If you feel sick, proclaim healing and Divine health, and if you feel poor, proclaim riches and prosperity to the Glory of God (Joel 3:10, 2 Cor 12:10).

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to preach the true word of God irrespective of personal opinions and current situations.

God bless you all


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