Prepare To Meet Your God


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 27.08.2023

Title: Prepare To Meet Your God


โ€œTherefore thus will I do to you, O Israel; because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, O Israel!โ€ (Amos 4:12 NKJV)


There is a story of a man who survived an earthquake to the amazement of many around the world. This earthquake took the lives of thousands of people. However, this man miraculously survived under the rubble for weeks until he was later found. After he was found, they interviewed him and asked him how he was able to survive under the rubble. Instead of giving Glory to God, this man said he survived because of his strong Willpower. They interviewed his Wife and Doctor, and they also said the same thing. After some weeks, he had a heart attack and died. Where was then his strong Willpower?

Most people in the world prepare for many things. We prepare to receive visitors, and for Weddings, Birthdays, Jobs, Examinations, Interviews, etc. All these are temporal occasions which do not last and fade away with time. However, we spend a lot of our time and resources to prepare for these occasions and neglect the most important preparation of our lives; preparing to meet our God (Amos 4:12).

The truth is that our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is coming again, and no one knows the exact day nor the hour (Matt 24:36). It could be today or tomorrow or next month or next year or next ten years. No one knows! Therefore, we have to be alert and prepared all the time to welcome Him. The fact is that even if the Lord delays His coming, you are not going to live on this earth forever.

The word of God makes us understand that there is time for everything; time to be born and time to die (Eccl 3:1-2). It is important to know that death is not the end; judgement awaits (Heb 9:27). Whether you will spend eternity with the Lord or in hell depends on the decision you will make in this current life.

Letโ€™s therefore be conscious of where we will spend eternity as we live our lives and make the necessary preparations towards it. If you donโ€™t have a relationship with Jesus Christ, it is now time to believe in Him and accept Him as your Lord and personal savior so you will be Born Again, and your name will be in the Book of Life (Rom 10:9-10, Rev 20:12).

For those who are already Born Again, we have to serve God diligently and remain faithful to the very end (Matt 24:12). Donโ€™t procrastinate! The time is now! Now that you are young is the best time to serve the Lord with all your strength. You will not remain young forever, and when you are old you will not have enough strength to do the work of God (John 9:4).

Beloved in the Lord, Jesus Christ is coming soon, and no one knows when. Also, our assigned time on this earth is approaching an end with each passing day. We have to therefore be prepared by becoming Born Again and serving the Lord faithfully and diligently.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to be always conscious of His coming. Letโ€™s also ask Him to help us to serve Him faithfully and diligently.

God bless you all


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