Preparing for the End Time.

Call To Prayer

Title: Preparing for the End Time.

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 01.01.2024


Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.โ€ Luke 21:36 NIV


There is a sounding in the spirit, the sound of the last trumpet is already echoing in the spirit realm, awakening people to the realities of the times. It’s the end time already, and we have started seeing the manifestation of those things written in scriptures. How do we ensure we are prepared for all that is written about this time (the end time)?

The subject of the end time was one topic that the Lord took time to explain to His disciples when He was on earth. He revealed the evil God would allow among men in this end time and the right disposition that we should have towards them. In like manner, He also gave them the key to escape all the evil God will permit in the end and to stand before Him at His coming. The key He gave was “watch and pray (Luke 21:36)”. Therefore, learning to watch and pray is how to prepare for this times.

Watching is a position we take so we can see what He will say to us. Habakkuk 2:1 states “I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint“. When God speaks, one of the responses He expects from us is for us to pray about what He has revealed. So when Jesus said “watch and pray“, He was revealing that we should be spiritually sensitive to know the mind of God and pray about what He reveals. This revelation may be about a coming crises, the revealing of the plan of the enemy and direction on what to do. As we stay sensitive to Him and pray, He is able to deliver us from whatever evil that He may allow on the earth.
Again, when we pray, in the spirit we are being purified/sanctified. Meaning, our garments is made white. With our garments white, we can stand before Him at His coming (Luke 21:36). Prayer is the key of righteousness. This was why He told Peter “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation… (Matthew 26:41)”. The more we pray, the more empowerment we get to to say no to sin and yield in obedience to God.
As we have come into the new year, the grace we should all covet earnestly is the grace to pray. For as we have seen by all I have written above, watching and praying is the way of escape from all the permitted evil in this end time and to gain empowerment to walk in righteousness.

Happy New Year Everyone.

Prayer Point:
Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to empower everyone in the body of Christ to watch and pray.


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