Provoking the blessings of God


Date: 17/07/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.ย 

Title โ€“ย Provoking the blessings of Godย 

8 One day Elisha went on to Shunem, where a wealthy woman lived, who urged him to eat some food. So, whenever he passed that way, he would turn in there to eat food. 9 And she said to her husband, โ€œBehold now, I know that this is a holy man of God who is continually passing our way. 10 Let us make a small room on the roof with walls and put there for him a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp, so that whenever he comes to us, he can go in there.โ€ (2nd Kings 4:8-10)

In our walk with God as Christians, certain principles guide us and one of them is giving. Anyone who gives receives when he gives the right way. Also, the one who sows is bound to reap depending on how much was sowed. However, there are times that when we give beyond the expected, we attract the attention of God, as in the case of the widow with the two coins (Mark 12:41-44). Doing the routine or the ordinary will attract routine blessings.

In the first verse for today, we read that the prophet Elisha was fed by a wealthy woman in Shunem, and this act became routine whenever the man of God passed through the land. So, feeding the man of God was something that the Shunammite woman did all the time as a kind gesture. Whenever the prophet passed by, he would stop to eat some food.

The second verse for today tells us that the woman went the extra mile. First, she realised, by divine revelation I believe, that the man was a man of God, and for that reason, she decided to treat him well. This goes on to show us that the woman revered God. As a result, she decided to go beyond food to provide a place of rest for the man of God. She thought about the comfort of the man of God.

Now, in subsequent verses, the woman provided a place of rest for the man of God in her house. Reading further from verses 11 to 14, we see the prophet resting in the chamber that the woman made for him. During his rest, he asked his servant what can be done for the woman. After various questions and answers, the servant revealed that the woman had no child and her husband was old as well. So, the prophet prophesied to the woman that she will have a son in a year, and behold, the woman bore a son at the appointed time.

This woman was very rich, but she had no child. What she was doing for the prophet by feeding him whenever he passed by would have been considered as enough. However, when she went beyond the provision of the normal to provide a chamber for the prophet to lay his head, she provoked the blessings of God upon her life. When she thought about the comfort of the prophet, God also thought about her comfort. What if she had not provided the chamber for the prophet? Would the prophet had thought of what needs to be done for the woman, and if he had, where would that have been?

The emphasis of todayโ€™s message is that some blessings can be released only when we go beyond the routine things we do. Greater blessings need to be provoked and they can only be provoked when we go beyond the ordinary; in giving, in prayer, and in fasting. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the reward. God bless you all.

Prayer: Let us take some time today to thank God for His word and all the blessings we have received. Also, let us pray for revelation to identify the people in our lives who are the channels of our blessings. Finally, let us pray for understanding to go beyond the ordinary to access the greater blessings awaiting us.


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