Remember The Creator In The Days Of Your Youth


โ€žRemember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, โ€œI have no pleasure in themโ€ (Ecclesiastes 12:1 NKJV)

There are people who believe that the world exists without a Creator. They believe that there isnโ€™t a Judgement Day to come, and most people always say, there is no God. Many tend to ignore the eternal God who created the universe, the one whose presence we will all one day stand and give accounts. ย 

We sometimes tend to forget that our lives do not belong to us. The truth is, God made us; He is our Creator. Therefore, we have to remember Him while we are still young and vibrant, giving Him our first, and our best.ย 

It is now, while we are still young, we would be able to work for the Kingdom of God, to present the first-fruits and the best ones to God. As we are still young, all the powers are active and vigorous, so we are capable of superiorย  enjoyments and it is easier for us to believe, have hope, pray, love, obey and bear our cross than it can be in our old age.ย 

King Solomon therefore advised young people to remember God and eternity before they suffer greatly by subjecting themselves to an under the sun premise and all the meaninglessness associated with it. โ€žโ€ฆBefore the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, โ€œI have no pleasure in themโ€œ

The earlier a person comes to the Lord, the fewer problems he or she will have. When a personย  comes to the Lord at an early age, the Lord helps him through those difficult years, when the lust of the flesh is so great.

It is the Lordยดs Bible we need to study in order to have no difficulty determining what right and what is wrong. God left us with a roadmap (The Bible) to lead us to heaven. At the latter part of our lives, it seems that the lusts connected with youth fade away, for in each persons life there is an end. However, why should one regret waisting His youthful life on things of the world? King Solomon said that they are all Vanity upon Vanity (Eccl. 1:2).ย 

Beloved in the Lord, letโ€™s remember that we are Godยดs property, so we need to serve Him from the early part of our years, and not the end of our years when our service is very limited.ย 

Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word. Letโ€™s pray that all the youths of this world will get to know God and serve Him in truth and in Spirit.


God bless you all

If this has blessed you, please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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