Renewal of Faith

Call To Prayer

Title: Renewal of Faith

Date: 02.09.2021

By: Wale Lasisi


Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. (Ephesians 6:10 KJV)


Economic data can be very convincing when the professionals are reeling it out especially in times of uncertainty and the statistics gathered concerning a health challenge can create genuine fear or reason to resign to fate and expect the worst.

The possibility of doubting Godโ€™s ability is high when we are the ones directly affected. This was what happened to Martha when Jesus told them to roll the stone away after Lazarus had been dead for four days (John 11:39-40). Jesus had to reinforce her faith by reminding her what he had told her earlier about believing in God even when it seems all hope is lost. This faith in Him always brings down his glory.

Logic is always employed by the rational mind to dissect and bring out the reason of things which is mostly reliant on the five senses. However, the spiritual mind doesnโ€™t process things with the senses but with the truth which is the word of God.

What Job went through was one of the worst calamities that can happen to a man. It was so much that his friends couldnโ€™t open their mouth to talk to him for seven days due to the gravity of the suffering they met him in (Job 2:13). Surprisingly, one thing was consistent for Job and that was his faith in God. He never doubted Godโ€™s ability all through his ordeal and in the end God Almighty restored him.

What is that situation or challenge that looks hopeless or overwhelming that is making you ask yourself โ€œCan God still do it?โ€. Jesus said in Mark 10:27 that He is the God of possibilities and there is nothing too hard for Him. So friends, cheer up and letโ€™s renew our faith and trust in Him. When we do this, we are guaranteed to see His glory.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to renew our faith and trust in Him. Lets also ask Him to step into those unpleasant situations with His glory and turn them around for our good.

God bless you!


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