Repent in your thoughts

Call To Prayer

Title: Repent in your thoughts

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 30.08.2024


“Be careful what you think because your thoughts run your life” Proverbs 4:23

“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Mathew 5:28


Before we dive into the topic, isn’t it amazing the continuity and correlation between the old testament and the new testament. You see Jesus kept expanding on scriptures He had learnt from the old testament. Now for the topic proper,ย  let’s look at the world of thoughts. What a vast world it is.ย  So many thoughts run through our mind. Inspired by so many things. Our environment; what we see, what we hear, then the cravings of the flesh and others. Not all our thoughts are godly thoughts or righteous thoughts. That’s why our first opening verse says in NIV version “guard your heart” and the second verse tells us it’s already a sin dwelling on evil thoughts.

This is the reality we live in. We are in a constant battle. (don’t panic. it is fun and not beyond us but we must be conscious of it). The battle is in the mind, in the thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5, 1 Peter 5:8). We probably all know the depiction from cartoons of the good angel and bad angel that pops up on the left and right side of the head. While this is amusing and not exactly accurate, it is in fact close to reality. The holy spirit is in us and the devil is also around us. The devil exploits all means available to speak thoughts of rebellion and sin. Simultaneously, the holy spirit gently warns and convicts us. We are free and must then choose who to follow and what to dwell on. Temptation is not a sin.ย  When indecent or wicked thoughts cross your mind it is not that your are bad but that you live in a world where the Devil has being authorized to tempt. If Jesus could be tempted by Satan what more of you. But the moment you start to dwell, or linger in that evil thought, that is the moment it becomes sin. However even at this stage it is early and best to repent and return to safety.( The wages of sin is death)

To be on guard means to be conscious. For our own good, we must hid to the gentle and quitter voice of the holy spirit that warns us that this thought is of the devil reject it, repent of it and stop dwelling on it rather redirect to the word of God. Now God can’t be deceived. We shouldn’t run towards temptation but ought to run away from it. So we can help minimize our access to evil thoughts. What do you see, what do you hear, are you idling rather that doing your assignment in the present moment. Again we need to study the word of God to obtain wisdom and knowledge of the will or the ways of God; Renewing our minds to have the mind of God. (and even maintaining your mind in Christ). Prayer is another mandatory weapon in the battle. Jesus says “pray so that you may not fall into temptation” (Mathew 26:41 NIV)


Prayer Point:ย 

We thank God for His word today. And we pray for the consciousness of our thoughts. The grace to repent in thoughts and return to safety.

Repost from: 13.06.2022

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