Replace the Enemy

Call to Prayer

Topic: Replace the Enemy

Date:ย 29.09.2022

By: Daniel Peter


You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.
Ezekiel 29:13 KJV


From the understanding of scriptures, it is known that the creation of man is a product of the justice system of God. For man was created to replace or occupy the position Lucifer fell from. This mandate to replace the enemy is still ours today to fulfil. Being equipped with the right knowledge will help us in this regards.

Eden was the location God placed Lucifer (Eze. 29:13). When he trafficked by his decision to ascend to the heights by his strength (Isaiah 14:14), he andย  his angels were cast down back to earth (Rev. 12:9). By this time, Lucifer, now the devil, had lost his place to Adam. What was written in Genesis 1:2 was the description of the earth after the rebellion of the devil and the war that ensued. So what was recorded from Genesis 1:3-31 is actually a recreation of the earth that was once created in the beginning (Gen. 1:1).

As soon as man assumed his role as the God of this earth, the devil did set out to deceive him. His intention was to make him lose his position like he did and fall into a similar condemnation. He succeeded in this and the authority to rule over the earth was passed to him (Luke 4’6). At His first coming, Jesus Christ defeated the enemy, the devil, and the authority to rule over earth was passed to mankind again. However, despite this victory is total and complete, it is legal in nature. It must be enforced before the reality of this victory is made manifests. To understand this, let’s look at things in the natural. When judgement is given at the law court, it still needs to be enforced by the law enforcing agents (the Police). Without the police fulfilling it’s role by arresting the guilty person or ensuring that what the judge declared done, justice is not complete.

The devil is rebellious and always in denial of the truth (John 8:44). So despite the victory has been given to us, he still hangs around, hoping that by our ignorance of the judgement made, he will remain. But we must rise up in His name andย  cast out the enemy from any of our inheritance he is still occupying, being assisted by the Holy Spirit and God’s Angels with us. Then we take possession. This is how we replace the enemy.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask him to help us to occupy till He comes


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