Rise to the Top

Call to Prayer

Title: Rise to the Top

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 27.09.2022


The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.ย Deuteronomy 28:13 NIV


There is a place at the top for each one of us, and it is Godโ€™s will that we rise to it. Sadly, not every Christian has come to the fullness of their potential, but with the right knowledge, each of us can manifest the fulness of our anointings and ordination at each phase of our lives.

I witnessed a sight recently that will be a good description of the massage I am trying to pass. As I walked back to my apartment after a brief moment outside some days ago, I noticed something in the sky. I saw several jet planes flying in a different directions. Obviously, the German airforce was involved in some routine exercise. Now, the presence of each plane in the sky did not stop the others from flying; there was enough space in the sky for each to fly. So it is for us in Christ, there is enough space for us at the top, we need not strive with each other but we can help one another attain it.

Psalms 15 and 24 are scriptures where God gave attributes of those that will ascend (rise) to the Holy Mountains (the top). All of the attributes mentioned in those chapters of Psalms can be summed up as obedience to the instructions of God. This was what God said to the children of Israel through Moses in our scriptural verse of today. As long as they pay attention to the commandments of God, they will always be the head and not the tail, at the top and never at the bottom (Deu. 28:13). This was true, not only for Israel as a nation, but for each Israelite.

The concept of obedience goes beyond the moral laws of God, it extends to personal instructions as it relates to the fulfilment of your ministry and the administration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in your life etc. The obedience that brought the exaltation of Jesus to the right hand of the Father was the instruction for Him to die on the cross. In humbling Himself by becoming obedient, He rose to the top (the right hand of the Father). This is a pattern for us.

Another example of one that God exalted to the top because of His faithfulness was Joseph. Until His exaltation, the administration of his gift of dreams and interpretation did not bring him any good things. Firstly, he was sold into slavery when he shared His dream with his family (Gen. 37:18-36). Despite this experience, he was not discouraged in administering his gift, and he interpreted the dream of certain individuals who were in a low position as he was. Because he was faithful, his time of exaltation came, and it was by the manifestation of the same gift of the Spirit.ย 

In obeying the instructions of God, your initial experience may not be the glory that is promised (rise to the top), but you may experience a descend, shameful experiences like Jesus at the cross and Joseph as a slave and a prisoner in Egypt. But as you stay faithful to Him despite the experience, He will lift you to that exalted position. Be faithful!

Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to help the body of Christ abide in the word.


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