Ruling on a Foreign Land – Part 2


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 21.08.2022

Title: Ruling on a Foreign Land – Part 2


For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

 (Rom 8:19 KJV)


In last week’s Call to Prayer, we learnt that the plan of God is to fill the whole earth with His Glory, His Will, His Purpose, and His Intent. He wants to achieve this through His sons (Born Again Believers who are led by the Spirit of God). Due to this, the Lord plans to put many Christians at higher places of influence.

However, we are living in a world whose Systems are very hostile to Christians. There is so much evil and corruption in Fields like Politics, Governance etc. which make them unattractive for Christians to venture into. It is now known to many people that to be able to rise to these higher places by following the right channels or doing the right things is almost impossible. This makes it very hard for Christians who want to reach there through the right way.

Therefore, this seems not to be possible to achieve in the sight of man, but we know that with God all things are possible (Matt 19:26). I know of two great men in the Bible who became rulers on a foreign land: Joseph and Daniel (Dan 6:1-3). This was the doing of the Lord, and He can and will definitely do it again! I would like us to take some time to learn from these great men on their rise to rulership.

One of the common things among these two great men is that they all had the Favor and presence of God (Gen 39:2-4,39:21, Dan 1:9). It is this special favor and the presence of God that gives you favor before men and also brings helpers who will support you to reach the top. We cannot take the God-factor out of the equation! Considering the number of obstacles along the way, it is only the power of God that can take us there.

That’s why we need to maintain a good relationship with the Lord, even after we have risen to the top as Daniel did (Dan 1:8, Dan 6:10). It’s only the Lord who can keep you there. Its very sad that most people forget the Lord after He has helped them to rise to the top. I know a lot of people who used to be good Christians and then they had the opportunity to further the education in Europe and America. These people are now successful, but they don’t want to have anything to do with the Lord.

Also, these two great men were patient enough to wait for their time. We all know that the Lord works according to His time. Sometimes we may expect our rise to the top to happen quickly and smoothly but the Lord who knows the end from the beginning may choose to delay it for our own good. There may be some few hiccups along the way, but we have to trust the Lord that He is true to His word, and He will lead us to a perfect end.

Beloved in the Lord, God plans to put many Christians at higher places of influence as He did in the times of Joseph and Daniel so we can easily impact His Will, Purpose, and Intent on this earth. We must therefore learn from these great men by maintaining a good relationship with the Lord and being patient to wait for the Lord’s appointed time.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word today. Let’s ask God to help Believers around the world to always hunger and desire for His presence, irrespective of how high they rise. Let’s also ask Him to help us to be patient and wait for His appointed time.


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