Running the race with diligence

Call To Prayer

Title: Running the race with diligence

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 24.04.2023


ย Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, (Hebrews 12:1).


The heavenly journey is illustrated by earthly engagements so that understanding and knowledge will be passed even to the less informed or unsophisticated lay man in the society. As we all know, those who participate in sports activities, that is the athletes, they are trained professionally to achieve career accolades. No athletes wish to be bankrupt of success during or at the end of their profession. Therefore, as they are trained for tedious competitions, they strive to win a medal; this could be gold, silver, bronze or some handsome earthly reward to compensate/crown their efforts of participation. The footballers play not for fun but to win by scoring goals which makes them winners over their opponent, likewise, the athletes that run in the Olympics specially prepare for the tournaments to win the apex prize.

It is noteworthy that when the athletes are set on the race tracks, they lay aside every form of distractions, emotions, personal opinions or conflict with even the officials and focus only on how to finish the race well by reaching the finish line before anyone else. In that time, even the cheering of the spectators does not divert their concentration nor hinder their hunger to win the gold, no serious athlete will mind or celebrate with the supporters while the race is ongoing, it therefore speaks of momentary discipline.

The Scripture illustrates our heavenly race as the sport of marathon. We are the athletes and we are set on the race tracks which has huddles on the tracks. We need to be absolutely focused like a professional athletes hungry for not just a medal but the apex prize of gold. While in the race, we do not mind persecutions, condemnation, discriminations, disappointments, rejection, insults, mockery by our arc enemy the Devil, we do not take offence at unnecessary conflict as they are the huddles on the track but we look steadfastly on Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:2), not on any preacher, or pastor, or parents or those who mock us.

It is also important that we run not as someone who beats the air ( 1 Corinthians 9:26), or fight aimlessly as a loser, however, with boldness and perseverance knowing there is a prize at the end of the marathon. While at it, it is crucial we strive as one who fights for mastery by being temperate; that is tolerant of the noise around such as mockery, or elements of weakness like tiredness, discouragement, lukewarm desire or feeble mindset.

Finally, we need to subject our body into control of the Holy Spirit and necessarily devout ourselves to the word of God also by consistent prayer (1 Corinthians 9:27).

Prayer point

Let’s thank for the word and also ask Him to help us run diligently until the end


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