
Call to Prayerย 

Title: Sacrifice

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 06.03.2023


”Gather My saints together to Me, Those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice” (Psalm 50:5).


A sacrifice is a deliberate act of giving up something valuable, exorbitant, and highly precious. It signifies an absolute demonstration of commitment and loyalty. The realm of the spirit endorsed it as a currency to access power, uncommon authority, and honor. Both kingdoms of light and darkness recognize it as ultimate access to certain dimensions of power. God Almighty acknowledges the potency of sacrifice because it is the act of giving something of high value to show serious effort or confirmation of a covenant. The devil likewise understands the principle of sacrifice, and he uses it as a requirement to bestow whatever gifts to his agents.ย  Sacrifice comes in different forms, it could be blood, money, precious items, or time. The ultimate price of death is life, and that happens by sacrifice.

We use to hear the mind-boggling demands the devil demands from his fellows as a sacrifice before he empowers, promotes, and equips them to a higher level of authority. Some of them have to go through horrible things in order to fulfill their task of sacrifice, they pay direly. Now, God also demands a sacrifice from anyone wanting to experience a certain dimension of God’s favor and access to power. God corroborated His love for us by sacrificing His only Son for our sins (Romans 5:8), which is the height of all sacrifice. He gave us His very best as a sacrifice.

Dear friends in Christ, we need to know that, in as much as we are all saved by grace, for us to access or command uncommon results of God’s abilities in us, portray premium authority in the kingdom, and perform unimaginable exploits; sacrifice is very essential! God loves all of us, that is true, but there are those who sacrifice all they ever have for God and it will be unfair to compare or want their kind of anointing by just wishing or asking God to bless us with them. We should not subscribe to the erroneous idea that we can just automatically find ourselves accessing God’s unlimited power just by believing, praying and fasting, giving alms, or doing good to people. They are part of it, however, the greatest sacrifice we can offer to God is by being dead to dear life (Matthew 16:25).

When we are dead to our own life, we enthrone God as the sole ruler thus willing to deny all aspects of our lives to make sure He alone matters sincerely and intentionally. Every other form of sacrifice comes after that! God is well pleased when we offer our own life to Him so that He freely makes decisions without the interference of self, ego, and reputation (Romans 12:1-2). These three pose a huge threat to God and the activity of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for the word today and also ask Him to help us give Him our life as a sacrifice.


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