Seeking His Righteousness

Call To Prayer

Title: Seeking His Righteousness

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 27.07.2024


ย But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.ย  Mathew 6:33


When we hear the opening verse above, what we might have dwelled on is the โ€œseek first his kingdomโ€ part which is like to seek to build Godโ€™s kingdom which can be through evangelism or intercession. But recently while feeling remorseful about a sin I committed, the lord led me to reflect on the part of โ€œseek โ€ฆ his righteousnessโ€. I was asking myself โ€œam even seeking his righteousness?โ€. But why should we desire his righteousness?

Jesus said โ€œBlessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.โ€ Mathew 5:6. It means of all desires one can have its only righteousness that will satisfy us fully. Not to talk of the promise that Jesus said in the opening verse, that every other need will be catered for by God. Donโ€™t you want to be satisfied ? Donโ€™t you want to trust God to satisfy your every other need? Then letโ€™s seek his righteousness. There has to be a seeking, a longing , a desire to manifest Jesusโ€™s righteousness which he has gifted to us that put our faith in Him (Romans 3:21-23, Genesis 15:6). Desire to be more kind, more patient, more self controlled, more forgiving, slower to anger, more pure, more hopeful, more peaceful, more at rest in God etc. See the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5: 18-23.ย 

But these are fruits of the spirit which only come from us as the branches of Christ abiding in the trunk which is Christ. Therefore to bear more fruits is know Jesus more, to love Him more. We know Jesus by reading the bible, listening to sermons, praying and worshipping God and what ever act of faith that draws you closer to Jesus. Letโ€™s desire to be more Christlike (for this is what christian means) more loving, more holy.

Prayer Point

Letโ€™s pray for the grace to always run back to Jesus even when we fall woefully. Letโ€™s pray for the grace to admire and desire to be more righteous and consequently build our faith.ย 


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